Spooktober 2023

by midjourney
by midjourney
Spooktober Homepage
NaNo is looming. I have a trip set up to get away for about 7 days and I want to try and get as much written during that time as I can... while actually enjoying the get away. This will be the first time I'm actually taking a vacation just to write and I'm both terribly excited and wildly anxious. One of those "now that I have all the time to write I won't do any of it" fears. So, in that vein, I have opted to use the Spooky prompts to try and get myself submerged in High Shore since I intend to use this setting and the monsters for my NaNo. I don't have a specific story in mind - I'll just be happy if I write with my monsters.

The Prompts


Meeting Night


Custodian Harvest


The Cruise




Job Well Done


Making Friends

Articles under Spooktober 2023


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