Caravan to Ellijay Plot in Moon Fall | World Anvil

Caravan to Ellijay

A caravan has just come off the river. They plan to do some trading while they head north, into Tennessee, and back to the coast.   Bella notices they have a wagon full of books. Many she does has never seen before.   The Church wants them out of town as soon as possible. Fearing the Haisian members will corrupt their flock, they refuse to allow people to trade with or even speak to the caravan. The Church is afraid the Haisians are up to something and won't leave as promised. They are considering having one of their adept (magic users) follow, but cannot decide who since they all have important roles to preform. In the end they decide the outcast clerics would do best and be cause the least loss if something were to happen. And going together will increase heir chance of success.   Edith's Mountain Adventures has been hired to help them navigate the mountains. Andrew's father thinks he is old enough to start doing more and has asked him to join the escort team.
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