Family knows best Plot in Moon Fall | World Anvil

Family knows best

Plot points/Scenes

Part 0: Summary of travel

Caravans do not move quickly, stopping every time they come across people. It takes the better part of 2 weeks to travel through the mountains. They reach the edges of civilization in Seneca South Carolina.

Part 1: Blast from the Past

  The caravan arrives at Seneca, the 1st reasonably sized village since Elajay. Dol plans to spend 2 night here. In the morning Aether is awoken by Neleem.  
I was contacted by Mom last night. You and your friends need to move on to Clemson this morning ahead of the caravan. She has some work for you 3 to do. She said she would have a bonus for you all once you were done. She said to meet tomorrow at the Esso Club after dark.
Once they reach the club, Nico Firsel, directs them to a corner in the back of the club. He keeps his back to the wall and is discretely watching the exits. He gives his name as Johnathon Jones.
For months I've been tracking the rise of an underground cult, a band of zealots many thought were just silly children they had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, my friends were wrong. Using occult texts from the college library, they have worked out how to use the transitive properties of certain types of enchanted items to create a physical link to their master. It's a magical shortcut - type of planar magic for those that lack a true spark of the arcane - but it is nonetheless effective.   More than that, it seems they may have worked out a way to combine the magic of 3 items together to bring them master across to our plane. An example of each happen to be in town this week.

Part 2: Obtaining items 1 & 2

Obtaining item 1

As the players travel along the streets and back ally's looking for the pub, a successful Perception Check DC15 (use Subt) reveals a pair of shadowy figures observing them from the roof tops, who vanish as soon as spotted.

Obtaining item 2

DC14 (use Subt) reveals 3 figures watching the party from the roofes.

Retrieving the Mug

As arrive, the patrons of the pub are going at it. The bartender is cowering in the corner. As one customer lands a knock-out blow, a grey, incorporial form rises out of the battered body...

2 ghosts are menacing the Pug. The loose ghost immediately tries to possess one of the party DC15 MIND. On a failure you are possessed and start fighting the other possessed customer (unarmed combat). The ghosts can only take damage while in not possessing someone.

You can convince them to stop fighting with a DC17 Communication or DC 20 STRENGTH check.   The Ghosts are 2 bothers who loved to drink and fight while alive. Unfortunately, things got a bit out of hand one night and they didn't wake up in the morning. Now that they are able to interact with the world again they are having a blast.   Once defeated, the bartender gives you the Mug.  

Obtaining the Scarf

The Scarf can be found in the possession of Olivia Williams, a merchant who is part of the caravan.   When they reach her shop Olivia Williams is out. Her assistant Kass (human 19) is currently running her shop. He tells the party she can be found in town, where ever large groups of people might be and offers them a flier for a dance night being held tonight. Location TBD.   The party finds Olivia Williams at The Market, in the center green. She is standing on a box giving a for people to come to the dance-off tonight. No one seems to be listening. After a few minutes she gives up and starts walking up and talking to people individually.   When the party brings up giving them the scarf she plainly informs them,
I wouldn't give up this scarf for all the money made this whole trip.
  If the party persists she looks around the market with desperation,
Since you work with the caravan now, I'll let you barrow it, just not when the shop is open and not when you go scouting. IF you can get these people to the dance-off and make it a success.
  Have the party brainstorm:
  • How to get people interested
  • How to make the party look awesome
  • What kind of music?
  • What about decorations?
  • Can they use magic to help them?
  • What about friends in the caravan?
Alternatively, they could just steal the scarf.   Once all this is done, if the party has the scarf they are attacked if they make a move to go anywhere other than to Mr. Jones. If Olivia Williams has the scarf, the party hears her being attacked in the distance.   DC16 to see the cultists hiding on the roof tops. 2 cultists and one assassin Once this check is made they attack. If undetected they have a surprise round.   Their goal is to steal the scarf once they have it they will disengage.  

Part 4: A timely Message

Soon after acquiring the 2nd item Aether hears the voice of Mr. Jones behind him.
I've got the ashes, but I think I'm being followed. Meet me at the Haisan Temple. Hurry.
Bella remembers seeing this earlier that evening. It's about 5 minutes away on the other side of the market. (page 150)   In the smaller chapel the alter has been pushed aside to reveal an open trap door. You hear chanting coming from within it sounds far away though.

Part 6: Cult Personality

(page 29)

On arrival:

Enter from the antechamber. Is a lounge with a bar.   The ritual chamber It is an octagonal room. The chamber is brightly lit by an oil lamp on each rough clay wall. In the center etched deep into the floor are 3 sets of runes. They are carved so that each set forms an octagon. The overall appearance is 3 octagons one inside the other. In the center are 5 runes, though they are in a script you do not know, you know they spell out the name Undarosh. The urn has been opened and tossed against the wall, its content are missing. Just behind the name sits the mug with the scarf draped across it. Dangling from the ceiling his toes a few inches above the mug is a nude man.   At each of the corner of the large octagon a person in robes bowed down eyes to the floor chanting their bodies are just outside the ritual area. They do not acknowledge your presence, merely keep chanting.   Note DC17 MIND to see that one of the ruins in the ritual chamber is not written correctly, and the ritual will not work correctly.   2 cultist, 1 mage (the guy with the knife) attack Monsters The mage does everything he can to finish the ritual. (Becoming invisible?) Summoning takes 2 rounds (Narrate progress at the top of the round.   When the demon arrives use (Summoned Demon stats on page 31)



If asked "Mr. Jones" explains each item.

Happy Hour Mug

A beer stein with a hinged lid. When you place a cup of beer in it and shake twice the mug will pour out up to 10 gallons of beer. Shake twice again and it will be clean and empty.

The mug can be found at The White Heart Pub

Scarf of Resolve

A luxurious silk scarf which allows the wearer to stand firm in the face of fearsome or intimidating foes.

The scarf is owned by Olivia Williams 

Ashes of the Near Dying

An urn possessed by the ghost of the man within. The ashes are part of a traveling show that has just arrived from Savannah.

The ashes are under guard. Mr. Jones will acquire them.

The White Hart Pub

A part of an old strip mall. Inside you find a wood paneled room about 20t wide and 50ft long with a bar at the back. and a row of table running down each wall. he font wall is all glass. There are lanterns hanging from the high ceiling every 10ft.

Maddy and Mutt

The ghosts are brothers who killed each other well over 100 years ago in a bar fight gone to far. They just gained the ability to possess others and have some fun again. After so much boredom they're mad with joy to be able to feel, fight and drink again.

They can be convinced to join the party for more fighting with a DC17 Comm check


Items Found

  • A broken locket
  • A used urn
  • A book of poetry
  • Step by step instructions for preforming the ritual titled, "Plainar resurrection". Summary, it combines 3 rituals into 1 and uses specific types of powerful items to fuel the ritual.
  • A list with the party member's names Aether's is circled
  • Undarosh dagger (1d6+1 S), with a successful attack the defender makes DC15 Phy save or take another (1d6 P) [the mage drops it if he runs away or it's on his corpse]
  • The Mug - When filled with a non-magical liquid and taped twice on a surface it will produce up to 20 gallons of that liquid. tap it twice again will empty and clean the stein. (1000 Fours)
  • The Scarf - Must be attuned to it. The wearer cannot be frightened and has advantage when haggling. (2000 Fours)
  • From the dead: Fours (6 x num dead), Sixes (1 x num dead), dagger (2 x num dead), Nice boots [10 Fours] (only f 3+ are killed)

Plainar Summoning

  1. Must be preformed within the influence of a being of great power
  2. Inscribe the 3 spells in a nested octagonal pattern into the floor
    • The outer octagon opens a door between the plains
    • The middle octagon calls an entity from that plain into yours
    • The inner octagon binds them to this plain
    • In the center inscribe the entities name
  3. Pour the undying ashes into the mug which should be on the floor
  4. Begin chanting the spell opening
  5. Drape the scarf over the mug
  6. Begin chanting the spell of calling
  7. Bleed a person. Ensure that as they die their blood flows over the scarf and into the mug
  8. Begin chanting the spell of binding
  9. Tip the mug over, allowing the blood and ash to spill across the floor.
  10. Ensure the contents spill onto the name.
Happy Hour Mug.png
Scarf of Resolve.png
Ashes of the Near Dying.png
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