Session 3 report Report in Moon Fall | World Anvil

Session 3 report

General Summary

  1. The party is directed by a voice in Aether's head, his mother, to take his friends and run ahead of the caravan. When they reach Clemson they should go to a bar and meet a man.
  2. Upon reaching the bar they learn a bit of history about Clemson and where the border of Haisia is.
  3. They meet their contact, a Mr. Jones, and agree to find 3 powerful objects to stop a summoning ritual from taking place.
  4. They find one of the objects, a mug of unending beer. And end up fighting 2 ghosts.
  5. After realizing the ghosts weren't angry, just having fun, the party convinced them to join the team by guaranteeing the ghost they will get to fight a bunch of strong people.
  6. While traveling back to the bar the party sees someone watching them from the roof of a shop.
  7. The session concludes with the team giving Mr. Jones the mug and waiting for the caravan to arrive so they can get the second item.

Mr. Jones is planning to acquire the 3rd, someone' haunted ashes, from a circus that is in town this week.

Missions/Quests Completed

Acquired the 1st item, the Happy Hour Mug.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Mr. Jones
  • The ghosts, Maddy and Mutt.
Report Date
03 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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