
The Court of Álfheimr is a realm of ethereal beauty and timeless grace, known as the home of the elves and ruled by the Queen of Elphame. Nestled within the verdant heart of the Feywild, Álfheimr is a land where the light of summer never fades, and the air is always filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of life.   Álfheimr is a breathtaking landscape of rolling emerald hills, ancient forests with trees that stretch impossibly high, and crystal-clear rivers that sparkle in the perpetual twilight of an eternal summer. The skies are painted in hues of gold and amber, with the sun hanging low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the land. Everywhere you look, there is beauty and serenity, from the delicate flowers that bloom in every shade imaginable to the elegant architecture of the elven cities, which seem to grow organically from the very earth.   The elves of Álfheimr are as ageless as their homeland, beings of extraordinary beauty and grace. They are deeply connected to the land, their magic interwoven with the very fabric of Álfheimr. Their cities are masterpieces of natural architecture, where buildings of living wood and stone blend seamlessly into the environment. Music, art, and poetry are central to their lives, with festivals and celebrations held frequently to honor the endless summer and the bounty it brings.   Ruling over Álfheimr with a regal yet gentle hand is the Queen of Elphame, an archfey of unparalleled beauty and wisdom. She is a figure of legend with her presence as awe-inspiring. The Queen is often depicted as a tall, graceful woman with skin as pale as moonlight, hair that flows like liquid gold, and eyes that shine with the light of a thousand stars. She wears a crown of intertwined flowers and leaves, symbols of her dominion over the eternal summer.   The Queen of Elphame is known for her kindness and generosity, yet she is also shrouded in an air of melancholy, as if burdened by the weight of her own immortality. Her voice is said to be as sweet as birdsong, capable of soothing the fiercest of tempers or inspiring the greatest of passions. Though she is beloved by her people, the Queen is a solitary figure, often seen walking alone through the forests of Álfheimr, lost in her own thoughts.   Álfheimr is the epitome of traditional Seelie Courts, taking on much of the aura and atmosphere of the Summer Court, acting in concert with Queen Titania. As such, many of the traditional fey restrictions take place here--none can be touched by magic or harm if they are on the road, but wander from it, and there are no protections. If you eat food of Álfheimr, you are unable to survive on any other food and may no longer set foot on the mortal ground. A gift must be repaid in kind and saying thank you is your acceptance of a gift.    The court of Álfheimr is a place of unparalleled splendor, where the most powerful and noble of the Seelie Fey gather to celebrate the beauty of life and the endless joy of summer. It is a court where artistry and creativity are prized above all, and where the elves share their songs, stories, and dreams. However, beneath the surface of this idyllic existence lies the knowledge that summer, like all things, must eventually give way to autumn, a truth that even the Queen cannot deny.   In Álfheimr, time flows differently than in the mortal world. Days can pass like moments, and centuries like days. Those who enter Álfheimr may find themselves entranced by its beauty, forgetting the world outside as they are drawn into the eternal dance of the summer court. Yet, for all its enchantment, Álfheimr is a place where one must tread carefully, for the elves, though fair and noble, can be capricious, and the Queen’s favor is as fleeting as the summer breeze.

Demography and Population

Álfheimr is inhabited by a variety of fey beings that embody the beauty, vitality, and power of summer. The fey here are characterized by their elegance, magical prowess, and deep connection to the natural world. Summer Eladrin, both noble and Leanan Sidhe, and high elves populate most of the settlements, eternal beings that do not need worry about the passage of time. Mortals, trapped by fey law, find themselves here as servants and playthings for amusement. Alseid and dryads guard the forests and all nature of fey beasts roam the lands freely. Pixies flit in the meadows with nymphs and sylphs take to the air. These fey beings, united by their connection to summer and their loyalty to the Queen of Elphame, create a court that is vibrant, noble, and eternally bound to the beauty of the season.


  • Anyone who eats food of Álfheimr will no longer receive sustenance from other food and may no longer set foot on mortal soil.
  • No one may harm another while they are on the road.
  • Any gift must be repaid with a gift in kind.
  • Saying 'thank you' is acceptance of a gift.
  • Oaths may not be broken here. 
  • One's word is binding as if an oath.

Grace and glory, forever in bloom.

Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members