
Acacia (a.k.a. The Reaching Green)

Acacia, the ruler of the Court of Rampant Green, embodies the untamed and flourishing beauty of nature. She is a majestic and ancient archfey whose presence commands awe and respect among her subjects and the wilds alike. Her appearance is a harmonious blend of human and plant, reflecting the deep connection she shares with the forest and all its creatures.   Acacia stands tall and graceful, with skin that resembles smooth, polished bark, mottled with the rich greens and browns of the forest. Vines and leaves intertwine with her form, growing naturally from her body as if she were an extension of the forest itself. Her hair cascades like a waterfall of vibrant green leaves, interspersed with delicate flowers that bloom and fade with the changing seasons. Her eyes are a luminous, verdant green, glowing with the wisdom of centuries and the fierce energy of the wild.   She wears a gown woven from living plants—moss, ivy, and delicate blossoms—that shifts and changes with her mood. Her crown is a circlet of twisted branches adorned with acorns, berries, and small glowing orbs that resemble fireflies. Around her neck hangs a pendant crafted from a single, perfect acorn, symbolizing the seeds of life that she nurtures.   Acacia is both nurturing and fierce, embodying the dual nature of the wild. She is a protector of life, ensuring that the cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth continues unbroken. To those who honor and respect nature, she is a benevolent and wise ruler, offering guidance and aid. However, to those who threaten the balance of her domain, she is merciless and swift in her retribution, wielding the full power of the wilds against them.   Acacia is deeply attuned to the rhythms of nature. She speaks to the trees, listens to the whispers of the wind, and understands the language of animals. Her presence brings vitality to the land; flowers bloom at her feet, and trees sway in her wake. She is a guardian of ancient traditions and a fierce defender of the old ways, ensuring that the natural order is maintained.   Her court is close with the Seafoam Court, as she has its ruler, Narahm, as her lover.   Acacia is the living embodiment of the forest’s heart. She is a guardian of life, a protector of balance, and a force to be reckoned with by any who would challenge the wild.

Mental characteristics


Acacia may never harm a seed and, within her realm, she may never allow a tree to die alone, being present at the end of its life, seeing that its remains are returned to the earth in a respectful manner. She may never wield or handle metal.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Rampant Green
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations