Conrin Cherrysong Character in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Conrin Cherrysong

Conrin Cherrysong

One of the Wolf Whelps captured by kobolds and then handed over to a group of Northlander wereboars and ultimately rescued by the party. Conrin has the most patches of any of Wolf Whelp Pack 387 and he tore patches from his sash to leave as trail markers for the party to follow and find. An over-achiever, Conrin has been recommended to the Boy Pals section of the Wolf Pack Scouts, which trains young halflings to become Paladins. He has patches in Pet Responsibility (Good Guppy), Animal Identification, First Aid, Hiking, Forestry, Community Citizenship, Orienteering, Forestry, and Reading. He was the only member of Wolf Whelp Pack 387 to succeed in keeping the pet fish alive for a week and he earned his Good Guppy patch for it.
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