Jim Gallows

Jim Gallows

An Oleander crime boss in Paraetonium who operated out of the Fortune and Avarice Gambling House in the city. The party was given information about him in order to obtain forged Oleander citizenship papers. Bolvaic was able to meet him on the private third floor of the gambling hall, where he bought into the table where Jim Gallows was playing. He agreed to help the party and provide them with forged papers, but the party needed to do one of three things for him. A shipment he was expecting did not arrive. The artificier Argon was responsible for bringing it to him, however, Argon failed to provide it to him. In exchange for the papers, the party would have to either bring him Argon's head, collect the shipment and bring it to him, or pay the 10,000 gold that he expected to make from the shipment.    Ultimately the party recovered the items and when Bolvaic brought them to Gallows, he asked if there was anything else of interest with the items--a veiled reference to the spear of the Leviathan, Gae Bulg, which Zadoc had claimed. Bolvaic lied and said that there was nothing else, but it was not the most convincing lie. Gallows let the matter drop and gave Bolvaic a single strand of the noose that he was hung with and told him to bring it back the next day in exchange for the papers. Bolvaic did as he was told and collected the forged citizenship papers from Gallows.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white