
Although not to capitol of Ilfor, Paraetonium is one of the most influential cities on Ilfor. Paraetonium is renamed from the old Daoine city of Loughdean which slowly was overtaken by Oleander influence. The city's aesthetics have a distinctly Oleander feel, with many columns and arches as part of the marble building.   A giant maelstrom has appeared and disappeared outside of the bay and near the lighthouse. The maelstom's appearances and disappearances have not caused concern, leading suspicion that it is a manufactured phenomenon. Large fires have been seen outside of the walls of Paraetonium, trying to keep back the kudzu that is growing at an unprecidented rate and has completely overtaken some of the outlying villages and farms, forcing mass movement and migration to the protections of the walled city of Paraetonium.  

Notable Locations


Atrium's Hearth

This fine establishment caters to the noble class of Paraetonium and wealthy travelers. The center of the tavern is an open, spacious atrium open to the sky above. A fountain is set in the center of the atrium and patrons gather and socialize around the fountain. Rooms are on the upper floors and circle around the open atrium.  

Aureus Amphora

The Aureus Amphora is a tavern and inn set to cater to those of some class and renown. In the center of the inn is a giant hearth and a central bar. Private tasting rooms are available in the inn, as well as a stage for performers. The upper floors of the building are inn rooms, furnished with wooden bed frames, mosaic-tiled floors and large draped curtains.  

Baths of Eternus

For relaxation and socializing, the Baths of Eternus stand as a luxurious complex featuring hot and cold pools, steam rooms, and massage chambers. The architecture is a blend of functionality and beauty, with intricate mosaics and frescoes adorning the walls, depicting scenes from both history and mythology  

Collegium Arcanum

Nestled within the city is the Collegium Arcanum, a series of university like buildings dedicated to magical studies and arcane knowledge. The architecture of the district reflects both Oleander and mystical influences, with grand libraries, arcane academies, and towers housing skilled mages. The Collegium Arcanum serves as a hub for magical research, enchantment services, and the training of aspiring wizards.  

Fortune and Avarice

This gambling house offers tables and games for any to test their luck with, while offering a more exclusive upper floor for important visitors.  

Governor's Villa

This isolated villa is where Governor Brecc Cinaed resides when he is in the city. Other leaders of the city also have residence in the villa.  

Lighthouse of Paraetonium

This massive lighthouse is constructed with white marble and adorned with intricate carvings. The base of the lighthouse is a wide marble building with ferry service available to and from the small isle it rests upon. Atop the building is the spire, reaching up high into the sky.  


The Maelstrom is a large whirling vortex whirlpool that seems to appear and disappear with some from of non-natural reason and purpose.  

Noble Villas

These large villas house the majority of the city's wealthy, political, and powerful families.  

Open-Air Market

This bustling marketplace is surrounded by grand colonnades and merchants sell their wares in the open air market. Many of the merchants cover their faces with cloth and cloth tarps lay over most of the merchandise to keep soot and ash from falling on it until it is time to show their wares.   In the center of the market, there is a large marble statue of the All-Father, with no signs of any of the other gods, save for an old fountain made of stone rather than marble that seemed like it at one time depicted figures, but both of them have been broken and are difficult to determine what they once were.  

Plebeian District

This district consists of a collection of plebeian members of Paraetonium, those members of the city who are not citizens and consist mostly of labor workers. With the kudzu that has overtaken the outlying villages, many have fled to Paraetonium and have set up in this district.  

Primus Forge

Nestled in the industrial quarter, Primas Forge is a district dedicated to craftsmanship and production. Blacksmiths, armorers, and artisans work in open workshops under the shadow of a massive forge. The district is lined with warehouses storing raw materials and finished goods, showcasing the city's economic prowess. Among the typical craftspeople in Forge are artificers who create magic wares en masse at the Forge.   The forge was taken over and converted from an old forge dedicated to Ctenmillar and old pieces of Ctenmillar lore can be found beneath the surfaces of the forge.  

Temple of the All-Father

At the highest point of the town, overlooking the city, lies the Temple of the All-Father. Dedicated to the city's patron deity, this temple features a grand staircase leading to a majestic altar. Intricate friezes and statues depict divine tales, and the temple serves as a spiritual center for the people.  

Thermae Baths

This grand complex offers a place for relaxation and socializing. Intricately tiled pools, steam rooms, and massage chambers are surrounded by marble columns and mosaics depicting scenes of Oleander lore and history. Areas for wrestling are also set for people to practice before relaxing.  

Velian Amphitheater

The Velian Amphitheater consists of several small stages as well as a full amphitheater with tiered seating that overlooks dramatic performances and gladiatorial contests.


  • Paraetonium 266 DR