Session 22: An Elk in the Bath

General Summary

With Rieta gone, the party continued on toward Caer Craftenor to complete their mission. They saw the Queen's castle surrounded by a large palisade. The small city extended around that with another wooden wall protecting it. However, it seems as if the city continued to grow outside of the wall as ramshackle building were erected along with a number of tents and less permanent structures. Slink led the party into the outside section of the city, known as "Lower Craftenor", and to a flophouse known as "Piper's Peek". The flophouse consisted of a large common room packed with cots and unsavory folk seeming to eye the party over, checking out their possessions, demeanor, and weapons. Slink told the party that they had completed their task and that it would take a day or two to get their payments ready, but the party brought all five prisoners back, entitling them to 1005 gold. The party was suspicious at Slink's leaving with the five, but they finally agreed to meet back at Piper's Peek at dusk in two days, when she would hopefully have their payment.   Slink called to the barkeep, telling him that their first drinks were on her and to let them stay at the flophouse for the night. The party was mixed about whether or not it was safe to stay in the flophouse and decided to see if they could find better lodgings in "Upper Craftenor". The party identified most of the items and got directions to the local blacksmith on the other side of the walls and planned to purchase fresh fish.   At the gate, the party were given day passes to Upper Craftenor, but could not spend the night. Tertius used his influence and announced himself as the son of Duke Huek Greyhall. The guards at the gate, gave the party new passes and led them to a nice inn, "The Feasting Horde", where Tertius used his clout and title to bargain with the dragonborn innkeeper, Galthun, to get two suites for free, as well as free baths for the party, and a harengon guide to the city named Jack Leveret. Illevaere was upset with Tertius for not keeping a low profile. Tertius, Illevaere, and Tiarjead remained at the inn and took baths while Jack led Levi, Bolvaic, and Tertius to Tallow's Blacksmithy.    On the way there, Jack noted some of the city's places of interest. There was the open-aired market where there are no taxes on the goods sold. There is Rennefold's Emporium, where magic items and scrolls are for sale. Bacccaline's Baths is a bathhouse run by a satyr who offers entertainers in addition to the baths. There is the Arcanum, a large library full of scribes that also consists of a Temple of Emore. There were also the House of Grace, a temple of Aine and museum, and the Tower of the Sun, which is a temple of Belenos. He pointed out the Rooftop Forest, which was a compromise to appease the druids of Myrloch Vale, and finally, he told the party about Little Big Town, which is the halfling district where most of the buildings are halfling sized.   At the smithy's, they met Tallow, a tiefling smithy salesman who offered finely crafted gear. Bolvaic purchased a shield and Tertius purchased a rapier. When appraising the hammer "Dwarf Friend", Tallow and Bolvaic discovered that the wielder could understand dwarven runes and speech, though it did not change their own language. From there, the group went to the market to find fresh fish for Levi to cook. At the market, Levi encountered a Northlander who invited him to join his meeting of the Harbingers that night at the "Steel Hook" tavern. Levi purchased the fish and the group went back to the Feasting Horde.   Meanwhile, at the Feasting Horde, when Ilbryen, Illevaere, and Tiarjead exited the baths and prepared to go to the rooftop forest and the library, they were stopped by Captain Lucratius, one of the Queen's royal guard, who is looking for Tertius Greyhall and his "compatriots". He ordered the group to wait at the inn, but the group seemed determined to get out to explore the city. Lucratius made threats to the group, who eventually agreed to stay behind, but Illevaere waited in the baths where they summoned their elk and started to bathe it in the waters.   Levi, Bolvaic, and Tertius returned to find the guard waiting for them. Despite his protests, Lucratius conceded to let the others bathe before they went to see the Queen. Illevaere refused to leave the bath, but Tertius was able to convince the guard to let them stay. After Bolvaic was finally dressed, the party went to see the Queen.   Along the way, Tertius grew nervous, uncertain what the meeting was about and he told the party that he was once engaged to the Queen's daughter, though it was only from the ages of eight to ten and then it was called off. The party met Queen Emeldawn Alistair, an elven woman of seeming great patience, her half-elven daughter, Princess Ireltharis Alistair, and the human, General Kresseth of the Queen's forces.   Queen Emeldawn asked why Tertius had returned to her land and wanted to ensure that it was not on behalf of his father. Queen Emeldawn explained to Tertius why his engagement to her daughter was voided. She had agreed to the proposal as a sign of unity between the neighboring kingdoms, but eventually discovered that Duke Greyhall was envious of the elf's ability to rule for centuries, believing that the be unfair compared to the human monarchs. The Duke intended for his son to consummate the marriage with Ireltharis and once they had a child to have Queen Emeldawn assassinated. With the heir being his grandchild and the grandchild of the deceased Queen, he could make a bid for the title and rule as regent in his grandchild's place.    Queen Emeldawn voided the marriage and brought this claim to Queen Finnea Marabar, Greyhall's liege. However, Queen Finnea did not believe there was enough evidence to prosecute Greyhall. Queen Emeldawn opted not to declare war, instead believing that the kingdoms of the Isles need to follow the banner of the High Queen. There are too many threats to the Isles--the Oleander Throne, the Blood Tribes, the return of the Formorian Giants, and the Mad God below. Queen Emeldawn asked if Tertius would pledge to the High Queen as one of the Dunaid Loyalists in a bid to keep the Isles unified.   Tertius agreed that it was a good idea, but did not outright pledge. Queen Emeldawn seemed comforted, at least, that he was different from his father and she took her leave. As Princess Ireltharis left, she slipped a folded page into Tertius' hand and gave him a smile and wink before leaving. Once outside of the great hall, Tertius read the note which said, "Meet me at the Sly Siren's Bath at 9 tonight." Tertius was surprised, but wanted to meet her, which infuriated Levi who crumpled the note and spat on it. Tertius tried to calm Levi, but he was adamant and upset. Levi gave one of the wolf pups to Tertius and said that he and Bolvaic were going to the Steel Hook tonight and he would be sleeping back in the flophouse. Ilbryen offered to go with Tertius to the meeting, believing that he shouldn't go alone.

Rewards Granted

Handaxes of Scaling, Weapon (Handaxe), uncommon (requires attunement): These two handaxes are attuned as a pair. When wielding both handaxes, the bearer has advantage on all rolls to climb while using the axes. In addition, these axes have a superior gripping surface on their handle and are impossible to let go of against the wielder’s own will (or unconsciousness).

Helm of Rohrith, Brave Captain of the Forge Guard, Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement): This golden helmet is etched with the image of a Dwarven god standing above an anvil, striking a sword into existence. It was worn by the great Dwarven captain Rohrith, considered an excellent leader and beloved by his men. Once per day, the wearer can select a friendly creature and give them advantage on their next attack roll.

Hammer of Dwarven Friendship, Wondrous Item, uncommon: When holding this weapon, the wielder can understand and speak Dwarven. Inlaid in the hammer itself is a small red gem that emits a faint glow when dwarven ale is near.

Drow Slave Collar, Wondrous Item, Common: A steel collar with its inner band lined with tiny iron spikes, made to catch onto a prisoner’s skin, causing constant pain and making it much more difficult to forcefully remove. Each collar is also enchanted with a slight divination effect to locate the wearer. The creature who puts the Drow Slave Collar onto another creature knows the general direction and distance (i.e. north, a few hundred feet) of the wearer. To remove the collar from yourself, you must succeed on either a DC 20 Sleight of Hand or a DC 25 Strength check.

Braided Staff, Weapon (Quarterstaff), uncommon (requires attunement): This staff grants the wielder +1 to hit and +1 to damage. Also, as a bonus action, the wielder can say a command word to have the staff illuminate as if affected by a light spell. As a bonus action, the wielder can say a command word to stop the staff from illuminating.

Ring of Seasons, Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement): This ring has a small gemstone in it that changes depending on the season of the year. Depending on the season, the ring also offers Resistance to a specific damage form.
Summer: Ruby, Resistance to Fire
Autumn: Emerald, Resistance to Poison
Winter: Tourmaline, Resistance to Cold
Spring: Aquamarine, Resistance to Lightning

Mooncloak, Wondrous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement): This cloak acts as a cloak of protection, giving the wearer a +1 to their AC and to the saving throws. In addition, the wearer can see in the dark as if they have Darkvision.

Character(s) interacted with

Slink, a goblin rogue and part of the safehouse organization.
Wood Chop, a Kenku spy in the safehouse.
Wren Carwyn, a Daoine farmer infected with lycanthropy.
Dyfed Brodrick, a Daoine farmer who abducted a girl and handed her over to the hag coven in the swamp.
Smiling Jenny, a red Dragonborn smuggler who was captured arming peasants ready to revolt against their lord.
Jorrunde, a large Northlander raider wanted for piracy.
Piper, a dirty, heavyset human bartender at Piper's Peek.
Corporal Silas, a gate guard at the gate between Upper and Lower Craftenor.
Galthun, a dragonborn innkeeper at the Feasting Horde.
Jack Leveret, a harengon runner and town guide.
Captain Lucratius, one of Queen Emeldawn's royal guard.
Queen Emeldawn Alistair, the elven Queen who rules from Caer Craftenor.
Princess Ireltharis Alistair, half-elven daughter of Queen Emeldawn and formerly betroved to Tertius.
General Kresseth, human General of Queen Emeldawn's armies.
The Gentlemen's League of Explorers and Adventurers
Levi Obadiah Kilgore
Chaotic Good Human, Northlander (Marked by the Beast)
Barbarian 11
115 / 115 HP
Ilbryen Dorydark
Neutral Good Half-Elf (Sage)
Cleric 10
63 / 63 HP
Tiarjead Faefyire
Neutral Good Dragonborn (Outlander)
Ranger 10
74 / 74 HP
Illevaere Solandra
Chaotic Good Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 10
83 / 83 HP
Bolvaic Boradrak
Chaotic Good Mountain Dwarf (Outlander)
Barbarian 10
115 / 115 HP
Tertius Greyhall
Neutral Good Human, Daoine (Noble)
Fighter 6
Warlock 2
50 / 50 HP
Report Date
01 Feb 2022
Primary Location