Caer Craftenor Settlement in Moontide Isles | World Anvil

Caer Craftenor

The capitol city of the Kingdom of Louth, and home of the Petty Queen Emeldawn Alistair. Caer Craftenor was built with a regard to nature and many of the fey from Myrloch Vale have been welcomed to the city. The city was built with a protective wall around it, however, as the city grew, buildings began to arise outside of the city walls. The inner walled city is resplendent and wealthy and is known as Upper Craftenor, while the buildings outside of the walls are little more than slums and ghettos of "undesirables" and is known as Lower Craftenor.


Upper Craftenor

"Upper" Craftenor refers to the city protected by the walls which is predominantly the wealthiest and most influential members of the city. There are some notable locations within Upper Craftenor.  

The Market

There is an open air market in town that has a lot of visitors. Traders come from the other isles on ships to sell, Druids from Myrloch Vale will come to barter their goods, elves from the forest come to trade, and even some fey from the Feywild come to the market to sell their wares.  

The Arcanum

The Arcanum is a large library. There is also a temple of Emone attached to the library where the young clerics help to maintain the library, writing and acting as scribes, copying the books for new copies to send out to new places.  

Rooftop Forest

Druids helped to transform the flat building tops of some of the residences into a living area of trees and fauna. A few druids still tend to the rooftop forest.  

Little Big Town

There is a halfling section of the town. All of the buildings there are made for Halfling size, with ceilings being uncomfortably low for larger creatures. The Halflings of the area didn’t like the derogatory name of “wee town” that they were given, so they tried to normalize their size and called the rest of the city “Big Town” and they were just the “Town”. That didn’t stick, instead people started to call the area Little Big Town.  

Lower Craftenor

The buildings outside of the walls form what is known as “Lower Craftenor”. There is less of a guard presence and typically, it consists of poorer residents, vagrants, and wanderers without the coin to stay within Upper Craftenor.