True Thomas

True Thomas (a.k.a. Thomas the Rhymer, Thomas the True)

True Thomas is a venerable, yet ageless, and enigmatic mortal who rules the Court of Yestermorrow. Known for his profound wisdom and deep connection to both history and prophecy, True Thomas is a central figure in the fey realm, embodying the intersection of past, present, and future.   True Thomas presents an ageless and timeless appearance that blends elements from various eras, making him look like a living embodiment of history. His form is both regal and enigmatic, with features that seem to shift subtly, reflecting different periods and styles.   He wears elaborate robes that shift in design, incorporating patterns and fabrics from different historical epochs. His garments may include intricate embroidery depicting historical scenes and symbols of prophecy. The colors of his robes change with the light, reflecting hues from various times and places.   True Thomas’s eyes are perhaps his most striking feature—deep and reflective, they appear as a kaleidoscope of colors that shift with his mood and thoughts. They can reveal glimpses of past events or future possibilities, making it seem as if the eyes themselves hold entire epochs within them.   True Thomas is known for his contemplative and profound nature. He speaks in a measured, deliberate manner, often using riddles and metaphors to convey his insights. His demeanor reflects his deep understanding of time and the intricacies of fate.   He possesses vast knowledge of historical events and prophetic visions. His insights into the past and future are highly sought after, and his guidance is valued for its depth and clarity.   True Thomas exhibits a remarkable patience, understanding that time unfolds in its own way and that answers to complex questions may take time to reveal themselves.   Despite his serious demeanor, he has a deep compassion for others. He is dedicated to ensuring that the lessons of history are learned and that the future holds hope and potential.   Once a Daoine human, he was one of the early settlers of the isles. His poems of prophecy caught the attention of the fey, who guided him into the feywild. Once there, he ate and drank, trapping him forever in the feywild, however, no longer aging. He guided himself through the intrigue and machinations of others with his gift of prophecy, soon becoming ruler of the fledging court that would become the Court of Yestermorrow.   True Thomas is a figure of immense importance in the Court of Yestermorrow, embodying the deep connection between time and fate. His rule is characterized by a profound respect for the flow of history and the mysteries of prophecy, ensuring that the court remains a place of wisdom and insight.

Mental characteristics


  • Never speak in lies or half-truths.
Current Location
Current Residence
Court of Yestermorrow
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations