Court of Yestermorrow

The Court of Yestermorrow is a place of profound historical significance and prophetic foresight. It is ruled by True Thomas, a once mortal human bound agelessly in the Feywild, known for his unparalleled wisdom and insight into both the past and the future. This court serves as a bridge between what has been and what is yet to come, revering the lessons of history and the mysteries of prophecy with equal devotion.   The Court of Yestermorrow is situated in an ethereal realm that blends the remnants of ancient grandeur with glimpses of what is yet to be. The landscape is a tapestry of shifting scenes from different eras, creating a mosaic of history and visions of the future. Ancient ruins stand beside futuristic spires, while timeless forests are interspersed with gardens that defy conventional time.   The Hall of Echoes is the central gathering place of the court. It is a vast, circular chamber with walls adorned in shimmering tapestries that depict historical events and prophetic visions. The floor is made of polished obsidian, reflecting images from the past and future. Grand arches frame windows that show scenes from both bygone eras and distant futures, shifting seamlessly between them.   The Garden of Memories is a serene, magical garden where time flows differently. Here, one can walk among trees and flowers that bloom with the memories of the past or glimpse future events as if they were tangible. The garden is also home to the Chrono-Stream, a mystical river that flows with the essence of time, its waters revealing fragments of history and glimpses of what is yet to come.   The Archives of Eternity is a vast library containing ancient tomes, scrolls, and artifacts. It is a place where knowledge of the past and predictions of the future are meticulously preserved. The library's shelves are ever-shifting, rearranging themselves to accommodate the endless expanse of recorded time.   True Thomas, or Thomas the Rhymer, was once a mortal man whose songs and poems carried an eerie prophetic weight. An early Daoine settler on the isles, Thomas' poems caught the attention of the fey and was tricked into entering the feywild where he ate and drank, binding him forever in the feywilds. His gifts of prophecy were so strong that he was able to navigate the trickery and deceptions placed before him and he eventually gained rulership of a fledgling court, which became the Court of Yestermorrow.   The Court of Yestermorrow, under the rule of True Thomas, stands as a testament to the enduring relationship between history and prophecy. It is a place where the past and future converge, offering wisdom and insight to those who seek to understand the broader tapestry of existence.

Demography and Population

The Court of Yestermorrow is home to fey who embody the essence of time, history, and prophecy. These fey are deeply connected to the flow of time and possess unique abilities related to understanding and manipulating the past and future. Spring eldarin have several settlements within the court, some of which practice chronomancy. Time-worn elves who have centuries of knowledge reside here to share their visions of past and histories. Echo spirits, ethereal beings that are manifestations of past events or memories, reside within the court, serving as guides or informants. Ancestral spirits reside in the court, as do temporal druides who have a unique affinity for the natural cycles of time. Bards and sages who have sought out True Thomas have found themselves here, either unwilling or unable to leave. These fey work together to maintain the Court of Yestermorrow’s role as a bastion of historical and prophetic knowledge. Their unique abilities and roles ensure that the court remains a place of deep wisdom, where the past and future are closely intertwined and carefully observed.


  • Never alter the past in deed or in word.
  • Never use prophetic knowledge for personal gain.
  • Never speak untruth.
  • If you speak of a deed in the future, it must be completed.

Mythology & Lore

Emone is known to spend time within the libraries of the Court of Yestermorrow, and some believe that it was Emone's hand that guided True Thomas to the feywild in the first place.

Past and future intertwine, Wisdom's threads in time align.

Court, Noble
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Parent Organization
Notable Members