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Solorianity is the beief of Indesol as the one and only god.


The Pope- The Pope reigns as the supreme ruler of the religion, and it is said that they commune directly with Indesol.   The Grand Cardinals- The blue-robed, highly ranked priests of the religion. They elect the Pope, and act as envoys in her name. Additionally, most are a part of Sanctus.   Bishops- Are the everyday priests that run a church.


The Church strongly advocates for training in martial arts and fighting, with the purpose of eradicating "evil". They frequently hold duels as Divine Trials. Sanctus is the Paladin order under the Solorianity religion, and they are extremely powerful individuals that are almost unmatched in combat.

Tenets of Faith

1. Do not kill thy neighbor, for lust and greed.   2. Taketh not from thy neighbor, without necessary permiessions.   3. Do not let the words of untruth slip past the tongue for personal gain.   4.Do not adhere to risk for gain.   5. Do not, in the means of primal rage, do unto a fellow man, and hurt his being.   6. Thy shall not make bed with another, without the eyes of Indesol present.


The followers of solorianity perform their worship by attending Mass, which takes place once a week at sunset. Higher practitioners also carry around bells. The noise signifys one's pure intentions, because they cannot sneak up on anyone.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Solorian Religion has great influence over the Espara empire and The Kingdom of Welton. In both societies the laws of the government adhere to the 5 Tenents. Breaking any of the religous tenents is punishable by death. It is often said the the pope has influence over the emperor.