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The Hallowed Citadel

The Holy Citadel is the Capital and main headquarters of the Solorianity Religion. It is the home and seat of power for Pope Lisandra.   It is an elaborate Citadel of beautiful architecture hallways filled with beautiful mosaics, lavished pools of water, with marble steps all surroudned by lush greenery.   It sits in the capital of Espara and while the city normally would be a temperate climate, the Hallowed Citadel provides the entire city with a warming atmosphere, which makes it more of a tropical climate.

Purpose / Function

The Hallowed Citadel is a multi purpose building, serving as the seat of power for the pope, serving as a church for the most devout followers of the religion and reigning priests, and as a place of training, woship, and mediation for Sanctus.


Pilgrims from all over the world flock here to pay homage to Indesol. There are reserved sections for visting and holding mass for the great population, but for the most distinguished members of the religion there is a special place to stay.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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