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Twin of Tragedy and daughter of Myx and Arcane, Harmony was raised in Askriez with her family. Like all tieflings on Aelaes, Harmony lived in the harsh realities of constant hatred, fear, and barbaric treatment. She, like her twin, learned to cope with such a life, often pushing aside personal feelings for the greater benefit of all. As tieflings and tribal orcs were often in the same plight, she was always sympathetic to their pains, struggles, and wished through her youth for there to be peace for everyone. The bogs kept their people safe from those who wished them harm, and she wanted to be able to protect her family, friends, and people.   As they grew older still, both Harmony and Tragedy decided to go to Augenhal and seek out training as clerics. For Harmony, it was important for her to be able to protect and heal with all the burning fire in her heart; she wanted to create peace and safety, and agreed with her twin about which path was best suited for this. However at the Aphrodite Monastery she and her twin found two very different experiences. Tragedy fully embraced the way of a Love Cleric, wanting to end tragedy and strife through love and harmony. However it was here that Harmony found herself sickened by the ways of the monastery. How could she spread love and embrace the world that had caused so much pain and horror for not just her people, but countless others? How could she push aside her own burning anger and begin to consider forgiving or even turning the other cheek? The humans who had taken so much from so many were to blame, and she found the teachings hard to swallow.   For a time, Harmony tried her best to cast aside her darker feelings, her anger, her resentment and learn to embrace the same teachings that Tragedy could so easily. They both wanted the same outcome of peace, so why was it so hard for her to accept this way of creating it? In the end, Harmony left in the night without a word to prevent herself from holding back her twin that she loved so much. It would be unforgivable to her to simply force Tragedy to leave just because she couldn't stand this place of love in the face of horror anymore. She quickly left Augenhal, though she didn't return home as she still felt the need to find her own way of bringing peace that didn't feel as if humans would never pay for the things they did.   She went north to the Infernal Peaks to visit her homeland, then west where she found Viskral Valley and endured the cruelties that they inflicted upon her kind. This treatment only hardened her heart, finding herself jailed for a week for protecting another tiefling from a guard. Upon being released by an unknown benefactor that had paid for her freedom, Harmony fled west and managed to leave Omeria by a boat that was headed for Kiras. Upon her arrival, she went to a nearby temple of Tempus to pray for peace to her mind and heart, but none truly came to calm the raging fire inside of her. She wanted to stop the cycle of hate, but she refused to let wrongs go unpunished. A cloaked figure knelt down beside her as she prayed harder, needing to find a way to bring justice to the wrongs but also to harbor everlasting peace, and when she left, they followed her out.   The figure followed her silently, and when they were alone he spoke to Harmony. He said he heard her prayers, and revealed himself to be a god, the name Tempus being only one name. This god asked her what she truly wanted to create, chaos or peace, and Harmony thought of her answer for a good, long while before replying, "Peace. But a lasting peace, a real peace."   The figure asked her how she would attain this 'lasting peace', as peace is always fleeting and is followed by horrors. Harmony again thought long and hard, then replied, "A lasting peace then could only happen when something forces everyone to put aside their hates and fears. So, I would create a tragedy so terrible that those who lived would never break that peace. I would make them rely on each other."   This answer seemed to please the god, and he bestowed upon her a choice; join him as one of his devoted to help create this tragedy with him, or to go on wandering the world to do it alone. Harmony decided to become his devoted follower, and became a cleric of war. He gifted to her mighty weapons, the ability to use lava, and his power to help to create peace through loss and pain. To exact justice to those who wrong the weak in their dishonorable ways.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The Storm Hag's Tattoo in an ink that mimics dancing flames on her chest.

Special abilities

Cleric of War and Lava Sorcerer.

Specialized Equipment

Infernal Chain, Shield of the Justicar, Novanite Armor, and Fey-blessed bagpipes.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Harmony believes that justice will out over evil, and refuses to forgive for what she deems irredeemable acts. She feels that to create peace and harmony, there must be an act of pure tragedy to make people come together, and she will see that happen. No matter the cost.


Religious Views

A cleric of war and a devoted champion of one of the gods, she is faithful to a god who sometimes answers to the name of Tempus.




Towards Harmony




Towards Tragedy


Lawful Evil
Date of Birth
27th of Shinos
Year of Birth
246 PE 21 Years old
Tragedy (Sister)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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