BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Hello there, travelers. My name is Tragedy, a cleric of Aphrodite. May her love guide you on your journey. What? You would like to hear how I got here? Well, I would hardly call my backstory all that special or interesting. I started the way most adventurers start out: by one day simply deciding on spreading my own wings. ‘T wasn’t all that hard to leave home behind since we were constantly on the move back at home anyway. Heck, my parents even encouraged it, saying I ‘still had a lot of growing to do’.   If you’d rather I go into more specific detail though, I guess I can oblige. Growing up, I didn’t really have all that many friends. The only people I could really talk to were my parents and my twin sister, Harmony. Oh, don’t worry, you can easily tell us apart! You see, her horns just curl differently from my own.   Ah… getting off topic. I do that sometimes I’m afraid. In any case, Harmony always lived up to her name. She was often the voice of reason whenever there was a family dispute. Disputes that I tended to start. I guess I lived up to my name as well. I don’t actually know what got into me in that time…   Regardless, when my sister and I came off age, we both decided to leave our homeland and strike out on our own, together. It felt freeing to no longer have to listen to what our parents told us all the time. It was… nice…   Oh, sorry! I was off into dreamland there. I just have fond memories of this time. However, it all came to a halt when we encountered a monastery. It was actually Harmony who proposed we go and check it out, see what it was all about. We learned that it was a monastery for young clerics and monks who wanted to attain true peace and love in the world. Of course, members of all races were welcome there and there was no discrimination going on whatsoever. Well, as you can imagine, I figured that it was Harmony’s dreamland right there.   Things didn't quite pan out that way. You see, as I looked around at all of this love going on, all this friendship and comradery between races that I had always thought were mortal enemies… I actually got quite charmed by it all myself. It all came to a head when I walked up to the headmistress, asking if I could be trained there. I wanted to become a cleric and spread this same love to others. I actually surprised myself while doing it!   But… Harmony didn’t see things the same way I did. She was repulsed by it all. She hated it. And this hatred only grew and grew as our time there went on. In the end, when she learned that I had decided to join the monastery as a student, Harmony left without a word. I… haven’t seen her ever since…   Oh, I’m sure she’s fine! Harmony is a tough cookie after all! I do miss her though. I can’t help but feel like her departure is somehow my fault. After all, harmony is shattered by tragedy…   Why do I still carry the name Tragedy you ask? Well, for one, it’s kinda my name and it would feel weird to suddenly go by something else. Secondly, I carry the name Tragedy no longer as something to attain, but as something to avoid at all costs. It is a good reminder of that. Or at least, that’s what I think! I wonder if Harmony thought the same thing…   Oh well, in any case, it was a pleasure to meet you. I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time, but I feel that it is always good to talk to strangers. You can meet the most fascinating people that way. Once again, have a safe journey, traveler, and may love guide your way.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Family Ties





Towards Harmony




Towards Tragedy


A tiefling cleric of love, roaming the world to spread her message of peace and bring joy to those in need.

View Character Profile
Neutral good
21 years old
Date of Birth
27th of Shinos
Hellish Bogs
Harmony (Sister)
Current Residence
Currently wandering, Monastery of Aphrodite
Yellow scalera
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Infernal Draconic Tribal Orc


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