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Orcs are a typically green-skinned people, but some have grey, black, or even reddish skin tones. Their homeland was originally all of Aelaes, but after the humans began the Green Wars in their desire to take as much of the land for themselves, they no longer have a proper homeland and have somewhat dispersed to Hathil, and Kiras primarily, though the civilized variety can be found everywhere. The orcs and tieflings had long since been on and off allies before then, and when the humans tried to force them into extinction, the orcs either cowed into submission or fought back. Orcs can be divided into two distinct categories; the orc bands (tribal, feral, wild, true orcs), or the general orcs (known as 'civilized' or 'domestic/domesticated' orcs by humans, 'broken orcs' by the orcish bands).

The orc bands reside in the Hellish Bogs or Askreiz, their mostly nomadic groups moving to keep alive and defend their last safe haven from raiding humans, gnolls, or the civilized orcs. They remain loyal to what they see as the way of their ancestors, and see humans as creatures full of lies and deceit. While they might react to other humanoids such as dragonborn, lizardfolk, elves, and tabaxi with a far less aggressive light, they really only trust tieflings on the best of days, and generally only ones who are also nomadic. Other orc bands exist in Hathil where it's coldest and hardest to survive.

The rest of the orc population on Morata is what might be called the 'civilized' orcs. During the Green Wars, the orcs who were captured were turned to slaves, and the humans sought to 'save' the orcs by turning them more civilized. This included attempts to 'breed them out' which created a great wave of half-orc births on Aelaes, which were then either killed or sent to other continents. These orcs and half-orcs were then raised in the human world, taught human values, and given human clothing, culture, and mindsets. They generally see themselves as what all orcs should be; smarter, kinder, less violent than their 'feral' cousins. The orc bands see them as 'broken', and that they have been so brutalized that they see their cruel masters as their saviors and friends. With the civilized orcs seeing the orcish bands as inferior and violent, they happily do as asked of them in either attempting to convert the bands, or harass them as desired.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Orcish
Genetic Descendants

Articles under Orc


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