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Sage Varyn Mosslyn

(a.k.a. Little Sage, Sprig, Sprout)

The last of the main Mosslyn house to become afflicted by the unknown hereditary illness that seems to plague the house and all the branches, Sage is a feisty yet endearing child. She is quite fond of climbing, throwing, and hiding, showing traits closer to a rogue like her mother than a druidic cleric like her father. While Sage was being taught by the enclave, she also was happy to be with her cousin and her friends, often times looking up to Kaya and trying to emulate her abilities, even going so far as the two of them having a secret handshake. At her behest after Kaya left, she had one of her friends put flowers into her hair daily with druidcraft, pretending to be the "Legendary Kaya of the Mist, slayer of old fuddy duddies and Queen of the flowers". By the end of Kalt 266, the entire Mosslyn main branch had been wiped out by the illness, leaving Sage a ward of the Jenson branch and defacto head of the Mosslyn house.   In the late months of 266, she began to grow sluggish and weak; these were the first signs that had been exhibited by her other family members when the illness began. As the weeks went on, she grew unable to eat and was ill very frequently, though her friends continued to put flowers in her hair in the hopes that it would lift her spirits and help her recover. However by the second of Rolthis it was clear that she would likely not survive, and the Crescent Enclave sent for her family to take her home to allow her to be with loved ones. As the Jensons were at this point an extinct branch of the family, Vivica and Luther took her in and her cousin Melāny watched over her. She is seen with flowers in her hair daily, most often Melāny places four flowers in her hair; one for each season, and all ones she had seen in Kaya's hair.   Sage remains weak and in the care of her remaining family members in Mosslyn Estate, though due to her failing health and the catastrophic death toll this disease has claimed in all branches of the house, the mantle of the head of the Mosslyn house has fallen to her cousin Melāny as her father had previously given her the power of the Rarel family when he had nearly died due to illness when she was an infant. She hopes to see Kaya again and to get better so she can at least survive where no one else has.   Mica with the help of Kaya was able to manufacture a cure for the poison once Tragedy noticed that his own tinctures and compounds had been compromised. Both Sage and her cousin Melāny are no longer affected by the assassination attempts.
Current Location
Year of Birth
254 PE 13 Years old
Mosslyn Estate
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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