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The Silent Town of Crowmoure

Having fed on the fine food of the Fleeing Floozy, the group decided they had had enough of the very racist town of Viskral Valley and departed to the south for Midbourne in search of comfort and answers. The first few nights of travel were unassuming, but on the third the dreams and music that plagued them so often returned to the group. The dreams became less abstract and more defined, allowing Kaya to move through the debris of the water and go above to see giant flaming rocks being flung over the water, Rhogar to see his brother bleeding and reaching out for him from shadows, and Tragedy to hear and speak to her twin. Upon Harmony beckoning her to take her hand and join her, Tragedy agreed and did so, though was caught off-guard by Harmony placing her hand on her chest and leaving a burning brand on her skin that persisted into the waking world. Rhogar's quick thinking allowed him to pick her sleeping form up and run her into the nearby river to stop the pain, though the brand of a flaming sword with a fist behind it remained on her chest.   As the group tried to calm and comfort Tragedy, they were alerted by another voice that they were no longer alone, and none other than the so-called wandering chef Telyn approached them and gently chided them for not heeding her warning. She revealed that Tragedy had consented to being marked by her twin for a god named Sorwyn, and that the gods as they knew them didn't exist. She explained that each god was in truth divided into several different aspects or variants of their domains, and each of those smaller, more specific domains was overseen by a fey. They fey were, in fact, the gods; and more often than not, they were more than one. Telyn went on to expose herself as a fey, and that most fey didn't walk on the mortal world anymore, and that there were limitations to how she could interact, speak, and even help mortals on their world. Telyn could, however, give them five days to locate the correct aspect of Aphrodite to help Tragedy by covering the mark with frost. She gave them the cryptic directions of how to get to her realm, "Go to the top of the world and you won't find me. Go to the bottom, and you would fall into my home."   After only partially soothing them and leaving the group with far more questions, Telyn left once more after giving them the only vaguely helpful advice of "If you stay here, you will find those who need you. If you go to the Infernal Peaks, you will find those who hate you, but need you to stop them. If you go to the North, you will find the cold truth. If you go to the West, you will find pain." After trying to understand the less than helpful words, the group once more took tp the road and Tragedy began to frantically attempt to get her mentor Zhugvuk to quickly reach them. This didn't go to plan as he was busy "spreading the word of Aphrodite", much to Tragedy's dismay.   The group managed to locate a town filled with trees that bore large fruit, the North side a shoreline that touched the Salt Winds Sea. The first thing they noticed was how quiet people were, people often speaking in hushed tones, or in very subdued voices. No birds in the sky, the dogs did not bark, and even children were very quiet when they played. As uneasy as they were, they went into the tavern for some food and drink, which proved just as quiet as the rest of the town. No music played, and everyone spoke quietly. After purchasing a few rooms, the group went to the beach to look around, encountering a quiet but very friendly dog and two young girls who enjoyed their company, even burying Rhogar in the sand as a mermaid.   As night began to fall and the group ate, they noticed all the people lining up in the tavern to take a drink of something, Rhogar tasting a bit to discover it was a sedative to help induce sleep. The tavernkeeper, Seth, barred the door into the tavern when the villagers left and stood vigil to watch it with other patrons who seemed to also be watching it. At some point after the group went upstairs, the deafening silence was interrupted by the faint sounds of voices chanting, "Run. Run. Runrunrunrunrun" outside of the tavern, scaring the group slightly as they heard a much louder voice drunkenly shout and sing outside. When Rhogar attempted to push past the fearful barkeep atop the stairs, he found himself locked in a grapple and Seth tried (and failed) to use his magical tattoo to silence Rhogar from making too much noise. Eventually, the group went downstairs and tried to open the door when whoever it was outside banged on the door and begged them to let him in, though the patrons and Seth used themselves to keep the door firmly shut.


Silence, horror, difficult choices, fear.



The townsfolk of Crowmoure





Crowmoure, Tunsil.
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