Amelio Feathers

Amelio Feathers is one of the many bastards of the Lord Aryn Drox His mother is unknown.  

Appearance and Character

  Amelio is the spitting image of his father from his youth. He is tall, with short blond hair, with the intense cold gaze of House Drox that carrys in his blue eyes. Amelio is tall with a muscular frame, he is widely regarded as handsome and his face and body is marked by various scars which he is not shy to boast about where they came from, and they only bolster his appearance. He carries a cocky smirk and has a mischevious light in his eyes along with a swaggering walk with one hand always on his sword. He carries an abundance of roses, which he likes to gift women who catch his eye, usually wearing one on his left breast or in one of his ears. His voice is deep but honey sweet, and he carries a unique accent, part Reoycian and part Raventivan. He claims to be able to speak eleven languages.   Amelio is a boisterous and bold man, who many view as arrogant. He is not one to shy away from a challenge, nor afraid to speak his true mind. Amelio has a coquettish repuation, when someone catches his eye he is not afraid to go after them, no matter who they are. Lords scarce feel comfortable their daughters or wives in the same room as him, in fear of the bastard's charm. Depsite his foolish demeanor, Amelio is quite observant and politically astute, and not afraid to take charge of his father's court room.   Amelio is a skilled warrior and excellent swordsman, claiming to be the best in the realm. He has the physique and conditioning of a trained soldier. He is a dedicated student of the blade, training from the accounts of legendary swordsmen. He fights in the more aggressive Reoycian style of St. Augustine, but has also taken some defensive tactics from the logs of Ramsey Haphet. In combat Amelio is quick witted and cocky, but also level headed. When he fights he is calm and collected, not allowing his oppenents to get inside his head.   Amelio wears steel plate armour and wears a blue cloak. He re


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