Ramsey Haphet

"The Honourable" Ramsey Haphet

Ramsey Haphet was the last Duke of House Haphet, he was renowned for his great honour and kindness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Ramsey Haphet was born in late Lise of 975 CC to Dante Haphet and Alessia Serafin. Ramsey was the eldest of three siblings, Melania Haphet and Lauretta Haphet.
During his youth Ramsey showed a great aptitude for all things involving military and tactics. He took great pride in being the reigning "Raventivan Chess Champion," this was a hobby that Ramsey maintained until his death in 1108.

The Tourney at Hearthside and Squiring for the Saltsword

Ramsey would prove himself to be a fierce fighter and strategist at the Great Tourney of Hearthside in 990. He would best many of the greatest fighters in the realm at just the age of 15, although lost in the Semi-Finals to Ser Rorik Salt. It was this duel that first drew Rorik's eyes to the young Haphet, whom he would offer to take under his wing. Ramsey would spend the next 6 years squiring for the Saltsword, winning valor and upholding justice as they went, these exploits would eventually be released to the public in the published "Journals of the Salt Knight," after the Saltswords death in the Dracen Invasion. Ramsey would later be knighted by Rorik in 996, altough they would continue to work closely together until the outbreak of the Raven-Uealkai War in 1011 CC in which they would be sent to seperate fronts.

The Raven-Uealkai War

In early 1011 CC the Holy Kingdom of Raventiva had a formal war declared upon them by the Nation of Uealkai who wished to right ancient wrongs. Arcon Half-Ear fueled by unquenchable zeal, led the Uealkain mercenary army into Raventiva's borders on the 19th of Mergensun. Their first target was the border city of Civitagno, a city in which Ramsey and the Saltsword just so happened to be passing through at the time. Against unsurmountable odds Ramsey would repel the Half-Ear's attack, having taught (in the brief period of time in which he was aware of the oncoming attack) the people of Civitangno how to defend their city. After the siege the pair would be recalled to Ravensroc to discuss strategy. This would eventually lead to Ramsey and the Saltsword being sent to separate fronts of the war.

The Dracen Invasion


The Grieve Battalion


After the War




The Seven Sons War




The Feathered War


The Autumn War


The Burning of Kalidan



Ramsey's legacy is maintained by his children, though in late 1113 his eldest son, Brydon Haphet was slain in the Cursed City of Thufal'dur.
Ramsey is well remembered by his people and throughout the human kingdoms for his leadership of the Grieve Battalion and his repulsion of the Dracen Dominion. He is thought to be one of the greatest Dukes in Raventivan history and is a shining example of what a knight should be.


Sarisa Drox

Wife (Vital)

Towards Ramsey Haphet



Ramsey Haphet

Husband (Vital)

Towards Sarisa Drox



Shared Secrets

Sarisa and Ramsey were for their entire relationship, entirely honest with each other. There was not a single secret that they held that they did not hold together.

Legal Status


975 CC 1108 CC 133 years old
Garrets Hold
Place of Death
Sarisa Drox (Wife)
Medium Length, Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs


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