Arsenio Breakbone

Baron Arsenio Breakbone

Arsenio Breakbone is an upjumped noble lord who arose out of the Autumn War. He was previously the leader of the infamous Wyrwood Outlaws.

Appearance and Character

Arsenio is lithe and bears many scars and callouses from his years of leading the Wyrwood Outlaws. He has dark blue eyes, though the large and jagged scar running from his right temple to the left side of his neck subracts from their appearance. He has a closely trimmed beard that is interrupted by his scar, and his smile is accented with gold.

Arsenio may hold the title of Baron, but he is a bandit through and through; he is fickle, greedy, and quick to anger, though posseses and unmistakable charm that makes him almost magnetic. His tempermant is reckless and brutal, his cruelty was well known before the war.

Arsenio led the Wyrwood Outlaws for seven years before the outbreak of the Autumn War and his recruitment by Georgio Kcrune, in which time he pillaged and slaughtered the men of the realm. The overlord of the Wyrwood at the time was a man by the name of Arcangelo Gallo, who would utterly fail to stamp out the outlaws for near the entirety of their existence. Eventually Arcangelo would looby for his Duke Agapepto Serafin's support to eliminate the group. After sending in a small force, which was utterly destroyed, Agapepto would simply charge Gallo with dealing with the problem.

Due to Gallo's failure, the very important trade routes through the Wyrwood would become a hunting ground for Breakbone's men and as a result Gallo's barony would begin to economically suffer.

After the declaration of war by the Sangohirim Pact, Arsenio would continue his attacks and plunderings until he was approached by Georgio Kcrune the Prince of Raventiva himself. Arsenio would initially hope to ransom the Prince off for a substantial sum to the late Calsifur Kcrune, though somehow the young prince would convince the Outlaw to enter his service and fight against the Garnaki Horde.

During the war Arsenio would prove indespensible under the watchful eye of his benefactor, and would even become one of the men to fight in the Nine Waves along with Valvear Artinshen.

After the War's conclusion Arsenio would be ascended to the new Barony of the Wyrwood by Gerogio and was even permitted to allow his outlaws to enter his service as his own personal militia. As such Arsenio would become a vassal of House Serafin; all of this would enrage Gallo, who would begin a campaign against Arsenio which continues until present day.
The Bandit Lord
Arsenio "The Lawless"
The King's Hound
Bandit Lord of the Wyrwood

Baron of  Greenhall
Baron Wyrwood
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark blue
Long, Dark Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
220 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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