Bareris Haphet

Ser Bareris Haphet

Duke Bareris Haphet, called Bareris Brightshield, or Bareris the Broken by his foes, was a knight of the late King Calsifur's Kingsguard, before he, and other members of the kingsguard, were accused of the King's murder by Prince Georgio.   Bareris is married to Ameria Haphet, a member of House Majire. They have had five children, Mairon, Letta, Lucion, Meria, and little Ramsey Haphet.   To escape from Georgio Kcrune, Bareris has adopted the character of Amelio Feathers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bareris has the physique of a seasoned warrior. From his sickness and the harsh journeys through Raventiva and the Dwarven Mountains have left him fairly skinny and haggard. Bareris has passing resemblance to his father, mainly his figure, but he has the blue cold and judgemental eyes and face of House Drox. Bareris struggles with the Black Sickness he received from the blade of the Black Knight, leaving him struggling to breath and with constant coughing fits.

Apparel & Accessories

Bareris wore the standard armour of the Raventivian Kingsguard, with the symbol of the Haphet's shield on the breastplate.   Bareris had a new set of armour made within the Dwarven Mountains. It is made of steel plate holding a crimson colour, with the symbol of House Majire on it's chest and the shields of House Haphet on it's pauldrons. He wears a raven beaked armet helm.

Specialized Equipment

Bareris wields the longsword, Light of the Old Growth. As well as his father's adorned rapier, Willow. He carries the Haphet Shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Bareris is the second son of Ramsey Haphet and Sarisa Drox. He grew up in the Haphet capital castle Newgrove, with his abundance of siblings. He was close to his siblings, especially Bryden, throughout his childhood. He was brought up learning the two conflicting core believes of House Haphet and House Drox. Later in his youth he grew distant with his siblings, from his lack of the magical gift he did not possess with them. He began gambling and reveling within the city, gaining friends and popularity among the smallfolk. This behaviour continued for a year, until Bareris had bet an egregious amount of gold on a pit fight with members of an infamous organization in the undergrounds of the city. He did not pay up his debt, believing nobody would touch him as he was the "son of the serpent". Bareris was assaulted and ran out of the part of the city where the organization inhabited. It's believed Bareris' lowborn companions were killed by the organization. Bareris returned to his keep traumatized. He apologized to his father and promised that his life of debauchery no longer pleased him, and he pledged to his father that he wanted to devote his life to his family.


Bareris left Newgrove at the age of 15. With his father he rode to Ravensroc, the royal seat of Raventiva where he began squiring for the Good King's brother, Artio Artox the Morning Crow. While in Ravensroc he honed his skill with the sword and shield. Alongside Bareris was his fellow squire, Mairon D'Amore, who quickly became close friends. When he reached manhood there was a feast held in his honour in Ravensroc. This is where he met some of his other companions, Serenoa Irons and Luciana Kcrune who he would become increasingly close to.   With Artio and Marion, Bareris made his way through Uralease. Touring various cities, kingdoms. Settled disputes, and engaged in diplomatic talks. He fought bandit groups, and other threats to the realm. He spent a lot of time monitoring the borders of the Kingdom of Reoyce, with talks of revenge upon Raventiva. There are some tales where he faced off against demons, and fought alongside the holy prophet and knight Venson "The Eyes of God". The meeting is said to have left Bareris "dissociated and confused". When Bareris reached the age of 18 he was knighted by Artio Artox and his days as a squire was at an end. He wished to travel into the Kingdom of Reoyce, but was stopped by his father and mother. He spent later year travelling to and from Newgrove and Ravensroc, at times accompanied by Luciana Kcrune and his other companions.

Elevation to the Kingsguard (1097 - 1106)

At the age of 19 Bareris was elevated to the Kingsguard, following his friend Serenoa Irons. Shortly after becoming a member of the kingsguard, he was married to the Duchess, Ameria Majire, conjoining the two duchies under the Haphet house. To celebrate the marriage there was a wedding feast and a tourney at Chesenier where he was victorius and named his new wife as the "queen of love and beauty". It is said their first child, Ramsey Haphet, was conceived that night.   Bareris led the campaign against the Bandit Lord Roberto Irons, and saved the Donati priest who was kidnapped. He also assisted Arlent Rende in his "cleansing against" the Pirate King Pierre Dupont. Though Bareris was upset at the amount of brutality on Arlent's side.   In Bareris' prime years in the Kingsguard he won many Ravens Tourneys against his companions Marion D'Amore and Serenoa Irons. In the tournament celebrating the fifth year of marriage between Bareris and Ameria, Bareris believed he could defeat all other opponents in a jousting match without his shield. He was knocked off his horse by Serenoa.

The Autumn War (1106 - 1108)

In the year 1106 war had reached Raventiva. The Sangohirim Pact, the alliance between the Garnaki Orks and the Kingdom of Ustalia, invaded the Kingdom's of Kehtarra and Reoyce, calling the other Human Kingdom's to arms.   Ramsey Haphet and Serenoa Irons went immediately to Weseir to apply aid. Bareris, Tivar Dahlström, and Sel Thaorin went to the Garnaki front to protect against the lightning fast Orkish attacks. The first battles on the Garnaki front were defeats, as the Orks simply overwhelmed the Raventivan forces. Though in time, through Bareris and Sel's planning and Tivar's unrelenting assaults, as well as reluctant assistance from Reoyce, the Garnaki forces would have their first and would begin to be pushed back.   Bareris would then be called to the Ustalian front. As Serenoa had abandoned the Raventivan army and taken a handful of defectors with him, razing the lands of Ustalia and killing anyone he could find, innocent or no. Bareris learned that his father had been fighting for control over a key stronghold Kalidan and was hoping to hold it against Ustalia. Bareris led a large host made up of Drox and Haphet bannermen, aswell as Uealkian mercenaries and Reoycian knights, across Raventiva into Wesier. Along the journey Bareris had learned his father was under siege at Kalidan, and desperately needed the reinforcements Bareris was bringing. Bareris rushed to Kalidan but by the time he arrived, the stronghold was ablaze. Ramsey and his forces were heavily struggling against the Ustalian forces and the Great Dragon Vauxharth, ridden by the King Iorath Aeron. Bareris' army was able to attack the exposed Ustalian forces, and Ramsey managed to grievously injure Vauxharth. The Ustalians retreated and the Raventivan forces were victorious, though it came at a great cost. Kalidan itself was destroyed, thousands of soldiers and civilians were butchered and incinerated, and Ramsey Haphet was torched by the fires of Vauxharth. Bareris couldn't make himself look at his father's body, instead he fell to the ground and began to cry. "As Bareris wept for Ramsey, so did the Heavens. The Tears of the Gods extinguished the battlegrounds, and Kalidan was left charred and in ruins".   Bareris returned to Raventiva with Ramsey's corpse, before setting off again, joining forces with Marion D'Amore. The host would make it's way to the river Allier, where the bulk of Ustalia's army had gathered after Kalidan to continue their push into Wesier. Serenoa at this time continued terrorizing the Ustalians. Serenoa had been following the retreating forces of Kalidan. The King Ioarath and his injured dragon took refuge into the city of Caeredyr. Serenoa and his band attacked the city, leading to the Stag Knight crushing the skull of Vauxharth and severely injuring the King. The King would escape Caeredyr and his soldiers would bring him to Ustalia's capital, though he was all but dead.   Headed by the Black Knight, the Ustalian forces made it's way down the Allier. They were met by Bareris and Marion's host. Bareris and Marion led the army into the heart of the Ustalians, while Reoycian and Wesier forces flanked them. The two knights cut their way through to the center of the army, charging for the Black Knight. Bareris' horse was slashed in two. Bareris and the Black Knight clashed swords until he was stabbed through the chest and fell backwards. Marion jumped off his horse to protect Bareris from a killing blow, sacrificing his hand to the Black Knights sword. Bareris managed to stand back up and decapitate the Black Knight, picking up it's head and displaying it to the Ustalian forces. The duel and the battle was over quickly. The soldiers of Ustalia either ran or surrendered after seeing the head of their general. Bareris, who now was just clinging on to life, was brought back to Ravensroc where he would remain until the end of the war where he was present at the surrender of the Ustalians at Porteraine.   After the treaty was signed and the royal party left for Raventiva, Serenoa rode to surrender to the King directly. Despite his state, when Bareris caught sight of Serenoa he attempted to attack them. As Serenoa was placed in irons and Bareris was seperated the broken knight screamed at the deserter that "You will burn in all the Hells for this! You will burn just as Ramsey did!". Bareris returned to Newgrove for a short while. When King Calsifur called for the heroes of the Autumn War to return and be named a Knight of the Seven, he returned and remained in Ravensroc, as the Good King's health had been failing.

Late Reign of the Good King Calsifur (1108 - 1113)

With the health of the King declining, Bareris stayed in Ravensroc. He was convinced of Ustalian poisioning, though no evidence of his claims could be found. He took a great deal of time training the Prince Georgio as he was worried of another Ustalian invasion on the horizon and he believed the realm would need a strong heir for Raventiva, one that would be able to fight for their kingdom and protect it's people.   Bareris was often regarded as dour during his last years as a member of the Kingsguard. He would not allow fire to burn anywhere in his presence, whether it be in his fireplace or the sconces surrounding his quarters. He devoted more time to the church and prayer, becoming much more zealous. He had also been struggling with the Black Sickness, which he received from the Black Knight's blade.   In 1113 Calsifur fell gravely ill. He was bed ridden and Georgio had become Raventiva's regent. Bareris and other members of Calsifur's Kingsguard protested his rise, claiming the prince poisoned his father. They attempted to lead a coup and place Sel Thaorin on the throne. Bareris and his followers failed, leaving them to be imprisoned in the Rock for six months.

The Rock

Bareris, Sel Thaorin, and Tivar Dahlström were placed in the highly fortified prison known as the Rock. During their imprisonment they were subject to torture and forced labour. Bareris himself was often put in a place called the "Hot Room" where he would receive a variety of different torture methods surrounding around fire and burning.   Nearing the end of 1113 Bareris and the rest of the traitors were believed to be executed for their crimes. In truth, they had escaped with the help of a mysterious benefactor who calls himself G. Though this wasn't just a sign of charity, G would have the group indebted to them and task the kingsguard with assignments. In Hiding Their first


Most of Bareris' tutorage came from his time in Newgrove.

Personality Characteristics


Bareris' motivation is to kill the Crow King, Georgio Kcrune and establish Sel Thaorian on the Throne of Glass. Bareris also is motivated to expand the power and size of House Haphet across the realm.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bareris has struggled with the arts, both Human and Elvish. He has never displayed the gift of magic, unlike his siblings, nor have the God's or priests bestowed any favours onto him. Compared to his siblings he is a poor reader, writer, painter, and student. Only the art of the blade peaked Bareris' interest and talents.

Likes & Dislikes

Bareris enjoys riding and hunting.

Virtues & Personality perks

Bareris is known for his unwavering sense of honor and justice and his family finds him kind.

Vices & Personality flaws

Bareris was a renowned reveler and gambler in his youth. Some consider his reserved personality a sign of coldness and disdain.

Personality Quirks

Before every war, Bareris cuts his hair down to his skull and shaves his beard.


Bathes every day, when he can.


Lillian Nobile

Mistress (Trivial)

Towards Bareris Haphet


Bareris Haphet

Paramour (Trivial)

Towards Lillian Nobile



The two met in the Dragons Tail Inn in Slate Port and become more involved after She and Bareris were under the influence. This was nothing more than simple comfort and the two have not met again since.

Barry Boy
Bareris Brightshield
The Broken Shield
Bareris the Broken
Amelio Feathers
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard to the King Calsifur Kcrune
Ser Lord of Newgrove
Pale Blue
Black Hair
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