
The Wolf Kingdom of Ter'kiar is one of the eastern nations of the Validus region, the very edge of which rests opon the waters of the Rudicon Sea. Ter'kiar was once a great empire, spanning over the majoritry of the Uralsean Continent, however following the War of the Wolves, the empire was dismantled, leaving only an echo of its former glory in its wake. The modern incarnation of the Kingdom has existed since early winter 1271 BCC although its full history reaches back to the time of Talus Valai(organization). House Ter'Luare currently resides on the Silver Seat and have defender their right to rule in many blood fueds since their ascent in 598 CC.  


During the time of the old empire, the territory of Ter'kiar spanned to the far reaches of the north, whereas they are now largely contained to the south east of the continent. Prior to the Seven Sons War Ter'kiar controlled large swaths of territory to the west and south, which are now claimed and occupied by the nations of Ustalia and Reoyce, leading to incredibly bitter tensions between the three kingdoms.
Few incidents of early Ter'kian expansion remain in the tomes of the Library of Aermagh, many and more of which was lost during the Sack of the Great Library during the Silverroot Rebellions. The most notable entry within what does remain is the highly mythologized account of Santos Ter'lukane and the Brightblood Wars, which describes a period during the early thritieth century BCC in which Ter'kiar would pull the Jaren and Xewyth regions under it's dominion. According to myth, following the death of Santos and the dispersing of Santos' Bastards, Santos' true heir, Dorian Ter'lukane would also come to conquer the petty kingdom of Cloucenda and large parts of the Alsrode sub-region.
Ter'kian territory would further expand following the end of the Century War in 2983 BCC, which was fought between the Kingdom itself and their longtime rival, the Kingdom of Draguigneux. The ramafacations of the Century War would cause a dominion effect of kingdoms bending the knee to the Ter'lukane's, which was only exasperated by the falling of Draguigneux only fifteen years following wars end.

Fury and Grace

Helmond (598 CC - Present Day)
Largest City: Aremia
Common languages
Ter'kian (Common), Huhenstadti
74% Validian Zelist (state religion)
Royal Houses
Founding Date
Between the 150th and the 151st Century BCC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Wolf Kingdom, The Old Wolf, Moonmen, Silverbloods
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


Ter'kiar and Wesier share a profitable alliance, both economically, millitarily, and socially. The two kingdoms remain the only nations in the Validus region with open borders to eachother and agreements for the exchange of workers as well as immigration.


The Holy Kingdom and the Wolf Kingdom have never been fast allies, and would much rather stay true to a policy of non-interference when it comes to the other's affairs.

Severed Diplomatic Ties

The nations of Ter'kiar and Reoyce enjoyed a beneficial peace prior to the advent of the Seven Sons War. After the end of the conflict the Wolf Kingdom has vowed to reclaim their stolen terriotory. The relationship between the two kingdoms has only continued to deteriorate, only being waylaid by the Autumn War, before diplomatic and trade relations were severed in 1107.

Steadfast Enemies

Much alike the relationship between Wesier and Ustalia, Ter'kiar and Ustalia have long been enemies. Following the end of the Autumn War however, the Kingdom of Ter'kiar has little interest in further warfare, as they have reclaimed terriotory lost during the Seven Sons War.


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