Commissariat of Alexandria

The Alexandrian Rebels were founded sometime around the Scream. Their culture has changed, but has continuity. They are the only meaningful native society on Alexandria. Ritually-important religious centers from previous societies remain. The local enviroment augments humans here. Alexandria was orginally founded by Terran exiles or a losing regime.   The rulers firmly control the populace. They've recently overcome a real threat. They have popular support from a wide class. The main conflict amongst the ruling class is enacting a major public building project. The rebels are ruled by a military dictatorship. The rulers waste taxes and labor on vain things.   The commoners are divided into two general groups or factions. The commoners are generally content, with patches of trouble. There was a peasant uprising of discontented proles. A faction of the ruling class is their ally. A forceful social reform movement is spreading amongst them. They are embracing self-improving tech or ways.   They have a Polish cultural background. Outsiders who try to blend can do so. Outsiders are treated fairly, but with no mercy for ignorance. Alexandrians primarily value courage; they are undaunted by danger. Alexandrians primarily are susceptible to folly; they have a dangerously false idea. Alexandrian structures are very sturdy and defensible.
Geopolitical, State
Neighboring Nations


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