Eliron Silverquill

Professor Eliron Silverquill

Conrad's mentor and the head of the team. Eliron is a scholarly and patient individual, who values thoroughness over speed in their investigations. His vast knowledge and reputation in the archaeological community were the guiding force of the expedition. Conrad looked up to Eliron, learning much from his careful approach and thorough analysis.   Mentored Conrad Silverquill from a young age. Later Conrad became an Assistant Professor under Eliron as well as his 2nd-in-command on expeditions.   Missing in action after mysterious event at dig site.
  Word of a sighting of Eliron sends Conrad to the village of Greenest.
  Session 1 Report: Attack on Greenest   A tavern patron, Tusk, spoke with Eliron. Eliron was said to have gone westward, and was ranting about Belgor. He also mentions his eyes were glowing orange.
  Session 3: How to Cook a Game Hen   Evidence of Eliron spending time in the hatchery was found by the party inside the cultist hatchery behind a pile of junk. It appears he was investigating the door. Conrad was able to make a rubbing of Elirons last journal entry.  
"...fortunately, I had adequate coin to bribe the guards and they did not question my story of archeological discovery. I am not sure what these cultist are up to or what this cave is for, but I can't worry about that now.   ----   The door is there! This means my translation is correct, which is both enthralling and terrifying. Unsurprisingly, there is no way to open the door without the Talisman of Belgor. It's just as well because the guards are losing their patience with my constant note taking. I must leave in the morning.

Fort Morninglord   Trielta Hills?   Romis   Lomis??
Session 5: At the End of the Roper