Session 5: At the End of the Roper

General Summary

22nd of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

Time - Noon-ish
  • Group recovers from battle with Landedrosa
  • A search of the room reveals a trapped chest of loot and a satchel with potions and a Letter to Frulan Mondath in it.
  • Short Rest/Magical Long Rest in the storage room
  • Group moves through the mushroom area
  • Attempt to sneak through a room full of bats leads to stirges attacking the group. Kobolds join in

  • Rhumor scouts out a room of more kobolds and the group takes them out
  • Due to the risk they hold, penned in drakes are put down.
  • A investigation of a meat storage room yields little, but Tristan takes some of the meat for future possible encounters with Drakes
  • A room used to store less useful items from raids is investigated. A runed door is discovered along with a journal entry from Eliron Silverquill, Conrad's professor.
  • Foul smelling Trogs attack the group.
  • The group returns to the scene of battle with Landedrosa. Detect magic revels his spear was magical
  • Hidden kobolds attack Nuri while the group sets up to fight two drakes guarding three dragon eggs in a hatchery. The group defeats them
  • A roper reveals itself to the party. Tristan directs it to the meat storage area and the party is saved from a very difficult fight.
  • The group decides to depart with two of the Dragon eggs


Rewards Granted

EXP: 5500 EACH
Treasure/Key Items
  1. Magical Spear (Conrad's Inventory)
  2. 2 Long-Rest Potions (Consumed)
  3. 1 Cultist Letter
  4. String of Pearls (300 GP) (Rhumor handed to Conrad)
  5. Gold and Sapphire Ring (900 Gold) (Rhumor handed to Conrad)
  6. Pouch of 6 Polished Stones (600 GP) (Rhumor handed to Conrad)
  7. 6 10 GP Gems (60 GP) (Bag of Holding)
  8. 8 50 GP Gems (400 GP) (Bag of Holding)
(Once sold, the treasures would represent 2260 GP, or 452 gold per party member)   2 Dragon Eggs + 1 Dragon Body
Rubbing of a journal entry from Eilron Silverquill

Missions/Quests Completed

Investigate Cave - Completed



Party Roster:

Level 3 (Druid 3)
Level 3 (Fighter 3 )
Level 3 (Sorcerer 3)
Level 3 (Rogue 3)
Level 3 (Warlock 3)

Journal Entry: 22nd of Flamerule, 1486 DR

  Excerpt:   I find myself puzzled. Why would the professor venture near this door? Such a decision contradicts every survival lesson he imparted to me as an archaeologist. My companions suggest a link between this door and a Lich. If their words hold truth—and I have no reason to doubt them—interacting with a Lich is the very antithesis of our first rule.   Could there be a connection between this and the mysterious disappearance of my crew? Could the Professor actually be responsible?   Excerpt:   Note to self: Add to "Silverquill's Archaeological Rules to Live By" - Ropers are capable of conversation and can be persuaded with offerings of meat.
Report Date
27 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters
Dragon Hatchery