Session 3: How to Cook a Game Hen

Meet Me in

General Summary

Timeline Summary


19th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

Time - 1:00 pm
  • Nuri speaks with a merchant, an old friend, and learns about the raid on Greenest. She's offered a job to help find the raiders and makes her way to the keep.
  • Time - 2:00 pm
  • The party assembles at the keep, encounters Nuri, and gets ready to venture out.
  • Conrad visits the Thimble Inn and discusses Eliron Silverquill with Tusk.
  • Tusk mentions Eliron was traveling westward to the coast, bringing up either Belgor or Belgone, and notes his distinctive glowing orange eyes.
  • The party leaves Greenest and heads to the edge of the Wood of Sharp Teeth.
  • Time - 5:00 pm
  • The party discovers two sets of tracks: older ones going south and newer ones leading north.
  • Time - 5:30 pm
  • Nesin Willadra emerges on the horizon, informing the group about Master Leosin, a half-elf monk from Berdusk who was captured by cultists.
  • Leosin is described as a half-elf with black hair and olive skin who has recently been engrossed in Dragon folklore research.
  • Nesin also hints at a group of stragglers up ahead.
  • Time - 6:00 pm
  • The party takes on a camp of stragglers. After interrogation, they eliminate them all.
  • The group learns the main camp is located three hours north in a ravine with a cave.
  • Rhumor scouts ahead, finding the rear guard.
  • They sidestep the main rearguard of the raiders and proceed to the camp.
  • Time - 8:45 pm
  • The party enters the camp without any restrictions. They pass through various sections to reach the prisoners. Via a message cantrip, Nuri communicates with Eamond Salamond, a merchant she recognizes from Greenest.
  • They find Leosin bound to a pole among the animal pens. He's planning an escape for that night.
  • At the mess hall, the party gathers information and learns Rezmir seeks details from Leosin.
  • Conrad, having spoken to some unsavory individuals, ends up with the task of shoveling animal waste.
  • Time - 10:00 pm
  • Lt. Ravenot tails Conrad and catches him lying. As a result, Conrad is detained.
  • Rhumor starts a fire in another camp, creating a diversion to retrieve Conrad's gear.
  • Rhumor procures a book and tries to assassinate the book's owner but has to pull back.
  • Nuri slips a Giant Strength potion to Conrad, but he fails to break free from his bindings.
  • After finding keys and passing them to Conrad, the group gets into a skirmish with the guards but manages to overcome them.
  • End of Session



    Party Roster

    Level 3 (Druid 3)
    Level 3 (Fighter 3)
    Level 3 (Sorcerer 3)
    Level 3 (Rogue 3)
    Level 3 (Warlock 3)

    Green Fields

    The Green Fields
    Report Date
    27 Aug 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


  • Mystery Book (Rhumor)
  • 30 Silver
  • Experience

  • 75 xp for Straggler fight.
  • 133 xp for Nuri, Conrad, Tristan
  • 100 xp for Rhumor
  • 19th of Flamerule, 1486 DR:

      Greenest's attack feels like it was just this morning. And yet, here I am, all tied up in the raider’s camp, shoulder to shoulder with the villagers.   What a day it's been.   I got a little ahead of myself. I mean, I've been hanging out with some top-notch fighters and doing alright. So, I thought, why not try my hand at being sneaky? Guess spying's not my thing.   I couldn’t even fib to my mom, so I don't know why I thought I’d fool a dragon-loving cultist. At least I’m reliable in that way, right?   The spirits have gone radio silent on me. Maybe they aren't fans of the whole spider transformation thing?   Speaking of which, yeah, I turned into a spider. It wasn’t a game-changer, but hey, it felt pretty awesome.