Jamna Gleamsilver

Joined the caravan on day 24 of the caravans journey to Waterdeep.   Very sociable.

Rhumor learned Jamna was affiliated with the Zhentarim. Over time, the group realized their goals aligned with hers, leading to a temporary truce.
  Nuri notices Jamna becomes less sociable over time.

On Day 49, Jamna warns of poisoned stew, and suggests to the group that they investigate what is in the carts.

On Day 50 a cultist guard is found dead, and Jamna is missing. Tristan is accused.

Offers Rhumor membership in the Zhentarim, and gives him a test of initiation in Waterdeep to steal a silver key from a half-orc named Bog Luck at Carnath Roadhouse.
She then joins the guards escorting the cultist up the High Road.