Session 8: Rainy Day Stew

General Summary

Journey to Waterdeep Continues:

  • Nuri detects a change in Jamna's behavior.
  • Conrad discovers differing handwriting in his book.

Day 48: Aenor's Rest

  • Arrival at Aenor's Rest, a key stop near old ruins.
  • Nobles occupy the entire inn, blocking the group's accommodation.
  • Tristan learns from guard Galin about a couple and their servant at the inn, revealed to be Nuri's grandparents, Alyn and Elwin.
  • Nuri and group enter the inn through the back.
  • Inside, 4 nobles chat downstairs; Emsa, a green woman, seen with Nuri's grandparents.
  • Nuri's evening with grandparents ends with her being knocked unconscious; they are changelings.
  • Rhumor spots Nuri being taken to the woods; group chases and defeats the changelings, capturing one.
  • Nuri interrogates and kills the changeling for information.
  • Conrad and Rhumor find a bloodstained journal, magic dust, and Green Imsa's body in the changelings' room.

Day 49: Shopping and Stew

  • Conrad, as a spider, investigates a cultist cart, finds gold.
  • Tristan meets wizard Mubarak Everill, refers him to Conrad for magic and book translation.
  • Jamna warns of poisoned stew, suggests investigating the carts; group is hesitant, especially after discovering magical wards.

Day 50: Murder and Mayhem

    Cultist guard found dead, Jemna missing; Tristan accused. Group battles and defeats perytons.

Day 58: Arrival at Waterdeep on the 30th Day of the Fading, 1486 DR

*End of Session




Party Roster:

Level 4 (Druid 4 )
Level 4 (Fighter 4 )
Level 4 (Sorcerer 4)
Level 4 (Rogue 4)
Level 4 (Warlock 4)