Session 9: Who Walks Barefoot in a Forest?

General Summary

Morning of the 30th day of the Fading: Arrival in Waterdeep

  • Overheard a cultist mentioning being behind schedule, planning to head north the same day.
  • Azbara Jos, the secret red wizard of Thay, is accompanying the cultists.
  • Contact made with Elenor Riverglen, Boggles' operator and a Harper member.
  • Elenor suggests cultists will hire Highroad Charter Company for northern travel, first stop at Carnath Roadhouse.
  • Rumors of a chromatic Half-Dragon, possibly Rezmir, in the area.
  • Cultists' location presumed nearby due to lack of resupplying efforts.
  • Group enjoys a shopping spree!
  • Conrad from Waterdeep meets Petra Orchard, a redhead research assistant from Waterdeep University.
  • Post-shopping, the group tracks cultists to the north gate, encountering Jamna.
  • Jamna Gleamsilver assigns Rhumor a mission for Zantharine membership: stealing a key from a Half-Orc at Carnath Roadhouse.
  • The group plans to get ahead of the caravan to assist Rhumor.
  • Journey North

  • During the 6-day journey, Rhumor encounters a glowing barefoot woman, leading to a priest and a troll.
  • Troll defeated, Rhumor receives a bow of tymora from Priest Landen Iceshatter of Waterdeep's Tower of Luck.
  • Roadhouse Ruckus

  • 6th Day of Leaffall. Arrival at Carnath Roadhouse; Tristan scouts using familiars, finding a locked room.
  • Nuri and Conrad, under the guise of road history investigators, learn of Bog Luck, a cultist Half-Orc, and strange noises beneath the cook's kitchen.
  • Rhumor successfully steals the key from Bog; group opts to explore the locked room.
  • Combat with lizard men in a tunnel leading from a nearby swamp to the room, revealing cultists' gold smuggling route.
  • After defeating more lizard men, the group reaches a swamp hatch 200 yards through the tunnel.
  • Session conclusion: 400 Gold and 680 Exp each.



    Party Roster:

    Level 5 (Druid 5)
    Level 5 (Fighter 5)
    Level 5 (Sorcerer 5)
    Level 5 (Rogue 5)
    Level 5 (Warlock 5)