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Known as the Empire of the Crimson Sun, this empire was named after the title of its founder known as "The Crimson Son", Crusian Was the most militaristic of the 5 great Sailon Empires


Irazia, a city it the center of the fertile valley of the Blacklins


A flaming sword with a crimson setting sun hilt


Current day Blacklins and southern regions of Whitelands from the coast on the west up to the inverno River on the east


Alexandros Sailon Eldest son of Everest Sailon and a mage that specialized with blood, weapon and solar magic. A powerful warrior and skilled forgemaster. Before the Assassination, Alexandros acted as Everest's Right hand warrior and punisher. He earned the title of "The Crimson Son" due iconic red armor, Deep red hair, and vicious tactics.

Current Status

After the fall of Crusain influence in Morteron the remaining forces fled to the Crusain colonies on Karkovia across the Godset Sea. They solidified their power and exist as one of the dominant kingdoms of south eastern Karkovia.


During the assassination Alexandros demostrated his battle prowess and served as a leader during the battle. This recognition gained him either admiration or fear among the witnesses. Upon returning to his kingdom of Irazia He quickly influenced his neighboring kingdoms to join his empire. Those that refused were easily conquered with the most powerful army on Morteron at the time. Only the other growing empires were able to halt their advance on morteron. Thus they began colonizing in Karkovia across the Godset Sea


Giving their Militaristic origins Crusian had a tendency to demand compliance and to exert its military might to control its subjects. It worked for a while, but it fostered feelings of resentment and fear among pockets of formerly powerful parties. Plus the Crusian expansion overseas and tension with the Avatiento Empire lead Crusian to to demand more in taxes assistance form its subjects. It only worsened with the rise for the tyrannical emperor known as Chiros the Bloodlord.   Famous for his sacrificial rituals and inheritor of the Red armor of the Crimson Son. Chiros was a blood demigod mage remembered for his cruelty, ambition, and aggression. However it would be his lust that would lead to his downfall. He had traveled to the city of Bilton, which was rumored to foster a rebellion. His original intent was to subdue any notion of rebellion with a reminder of his power and the benefits of his favor. However he found himself infatuated with the daughter of the Baron of Bilton, Calliapia. He approached the Baron of Bilton with a proposal of marriage which was gladly accepted. However as he went to claim his bride he discovered she was lying with another man. Chiros proceeded to kill this man and in return Calliapia rejected him. Her brother rushed to her rescue, but the Bloodlord proceeded to violently slaughter them. Then in his rage he deemed her act of defiance as proof of rebellion. Thus he and his army raized Bilton to make it an example.   However Bilton wasn't made an example, it became a martyr. Bilton was actually fostering a rebel force to which many escaped and spread the word of the rage of Chiros. Among the Bilton survivors was a young unspoken chaos demigod mage named Malachai Vargraven. His flight from the destruction of Bilton would start him on a journey to become a witness at the nexxus of the 116 Convergence. He returned to the blacklands with considerable more power and allies. He was originally just apart of the growing network of rebels throughout the Blackland mountains, but now the rebels recognized his potential and rallied behind him as a leader.   For the first time the Blackland cities found someone who they believed could stand up to Chiros. Rebellions sparked throughout the Blacklands. In the north, Emily Arias, a dear friend to Malachai, also began a move for independence for the whitelands. an area ravaged by war between the Crusian and Avatiento empires. Plus over in Autumn Valley, Arthur Metamesia, another friend of Malachai, was leading the unification of Autumia. A move that would stop the practice of paying tribute to the Crusian empire. Crusian was now with reduced resources and fighting on many fronts. They were losing power.   The final stand of Crusian power in Morteron would be the Siege of Irazia. THe rebellion was coming after the Crusian seat of power. and the armies were coming to a stalemate. Hen Malachai challenges Chiros to a battle of single combat which CHiros accepted. A great battle ensued with Malachai victorious. He killed Chiros on the battlefield. The surviving the Crusian Family and allies fled to the Karkovian colonies and Irazia joined the new formed of the Blacklin Kingdom

Born to Blood, Born for War

1-1-675|115c - Present

Alternative Names
Empire of the Crimson Sun

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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