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Enchantments are magic manipulations that imbue magic into items or being in order to give the enchanted certain traits or properties which the enchanted did not previously process on their own. In fact, Enchant magic consits soely of enchantments. However, it is important to clarify the enchant magic is really the ability to transfer pure magic to various items. Thus, it is versatile in its effect. Yet any magic type can create enchantments, they just are limited the properties of their magic. For an example an enchant mage can makes make a sword fireproof, rust immune and unbreakable at the same time. Meanwhile a fire mage would only be able to enchant a sword to be fire proof or add properties of fire. It is also important to note that enchantments require magic to be made or used. It can be done directly by a magical being, or through link to a magical source. This is what differentiates them from Concoctions. Enchantments are also different from Spellcasting in the way they are enacted and their purpose. Typicaly enchantments have to be enacted on another object or being  

Enchantment Classification

Enchantments have two basic ways to be classified. The first groups is the enchantment type. This is the general type of effect an enchantment has on its target. The second group of classification is the activation. This is how an enchantment is enacted and maintained. Understanding the different types is crucial to create the most effective enchantment for a given situation.  

Enchantment Types

There are 3 basic enchantment types which are Enhancement, Suppression and Imbuement. They explain the purpose of an enchantment.


These enchantments amplify or reinforce traits of an the enchanted that already exists. For an example enhancement enchantments can may a person stronger or increase one intelligence. They also would be used to increase one magic power or control. Its important to note that enhancements can also expose negative traits, such as vulnerability to certain substances. These are some of the easier enchantment type to create as the enchant is really increase a magic flow that is already existing.


These enchantments are used to reduce or eliminate an existing trait of the enchanted. Suppression can be used to make a person physically weaker or repress memory. They are also used to restrict magic, and movement. Thus they are commonly used for sealing or control. They can even be used to repress gifts. They are usually harder to enact than enhancement as they resist the natural flow of magic.


These enchantments give properties to the enchanted that they did not initially possess. Imbuements could give a person the ability to fly or breathe underwater. It can also be used to imbue certain inclinations and mindsets that conflict with the targets natural state. For an example they can influence a peace keeper to become violent. These are normally the most complex type of enchantment as it introduces and integrates a new and different magic to a magic flow  

Enchantment Activation

There are 4 types of activation which are Active, Passive Linked and Integrated. These classifications explain how an enchantment are activated and maintained. The flaming sword enchantment will be use to demonstrate the difference inactivation types in each of the descriptions


These enchantments are active only when the user feeds the enchantment magic. Thus, the enchantment can be turned off and on as needed. However, these means that the target is required to have sufficient magic control to keep the enchantment active. It also have a weakness in that the way magic is transferred to the enchantment. For an example the enchantment may require that a user is touching an enchanted item so it to work. These enchantments, along with passive enchantment are the easiest to create. Using the flaming sword example an active enchantment would allow a user to turn the flames at will as long as they have magic.


These enchantments are given a certain amount of magic, and continue to be activated until the magic runs out. This is useful for enchantments that are meant to run for a certain amount of time. And depending on the enchantment the magic can also be refilled. However, this also serves as a weakness as the enchantment can be deactivated if the magic is depleted or drained. These enchantments are one of the easier activation types to create, as the strength and duration just correlates to how much magic is use to create it. Using the flaming sword example, a passive enchantment would be the sword would continually burn until it is out of magic.


These types of activation are linked to a source like a magic item, concoction or entity. They can also be linked to conditions, such as bloodline, environment and situations. These can act like a combination of active and passive activation. Like passive the enchantment can activated regardless of the users own magic, as long as the linked source has magic or the linked condition is met. But like the active enchantment it can be turned off. Its weakness is that these enchantments can be stopped by serving the magic link. However, these types of enchantment are more complex to create than both passive or active enchantments. Using the flaming sword example, and linked enchanted can be bound to a bloodline so that is activates flame when touched by a blood member. Or it can be linked to a fire stone that activates its flames.


These enchantments are linked to magic itself. Thus, they will continue to be active so long as magic exists. Usually the only way to counteract an integrated enchantment is with a conflicting enchantment or with the intervention of a god. They can also be temporarily stopped by anti-magic. These enchantments are the most powerful activation type. However, they are the hardest to create. Usually that require a great sacrifice, a conduit or a god’s blessing in ordering to create. Using the flaming sword example, the flames would infinitely burn used countered by antimagic, another enchantment or a god.

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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