2/19 - Some Guy Moggai Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

2/19 - Some Guy Moggai

General Summary

The party retreated from the ruins of Bigtarhir after their battles with the cultists of House Theyralana and their Ooze companions, dragging along the captive Drow arcanist knocked unconscious during combat.
  After setting up camp some distance from the ruined city and waiting for their captive to awake, the party began the interrogation. The cultist, a Drow named Moggai, proved to be fairly resiliant to the torture carried out by Duo and Gramlek. Through extended interrogation Moggai revealed some details about House Theyralana and the cult of Ghaunadaur, including their base of operations in Asfasana, their plan to bring about The Great Flood, and their leader High Priestess Isemi.
  Asfasana was an ancient, abandoned Drow city on the border between the Lowerdark and Middledark. Sylvie recalled that the fall of Asfasana was due to both its proximity to the dangerous Lowerdark and extended distance from the nearest Drow stronghold, leading to difficulties maintaining the city's defenses. Asfasana's location made for a perfect stronghold for the outcasts of House Theyralana.
  The Great Flood, a prophesied event that the cult of Ghaunadaur hopes to bring about, was revealed by Moggai to be a global catastrophe that would see an Avatar of Ghaunadaur lead a worldwide purge. This purge would wipe out all non-Ooze life in Faerun, an outcome that those of House Theyralana view as beneficial to the world. Moggai spoke of The Great Flood as a great, unifying event that would end all war, strife, and suffering in one fell swoop.
  After interrogatting Moggai for the better part of the night, the party tossed him into the acid-filled ruins of Bigtarhir to be slowly dissolved and/or drowned.
  Set on continuing their investigation into House Theyralana and the cult of Ghaunadaur, the party headed on towards the cult stronghold of Asfasana. After 5 days of travel through the lower Underdark, the party happened upon a small encampment of fellow adventurers on a narrow cliff overlooking a massive expanse. Sensing danger, Darnath approached alone under cover of shadows, but was spotted by one of the group's lookouts, a plain looking human soldier.
  Darnath conversed with the group's scout and learned that they were sent to investigate the growing Ooze population in The Underdark, but had been waylaid by roaming slimes and two of their members had been injured and were currently recovering under care of the group's cleric. The adventurers invited the party to their camp in order to share a meal and information about the area. After arriving at the camp, the party began to talk with the six adventurers.
  Darnath, interested to understand how the soldier had seen him even under veil of darkness, fog, and effective invisibility, began asking the adventurer about his equipment and skills, but his concerns were quickly assuaged as the friendly adventurer gestured to his belt and suggested it was due to "magic items."
  Thovak, hoping to assist in the healing efforts of the group's cleric, began speaking to the cleric about the group's injuries and the cleric's patron deity. Ever perceptive, Thovak realized both that the cleric's holy symbol didn't correspond to any specific god and that the two wounded adventurers were not wounded at all, but were instead just acting injured.

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Report Date
19 Feb 2024
Primary Location