2/26 - Ghaunadan Imposters

General Summary

The party sprung into immediate action as Thovak called out the cleric adventurer's lack of a real holy symbol and realized that the two 'wounded' adventurers were merely playing dead. Darnath kicked off the battle with a flurry of blows directed at one of the apparent spellcasters in the adventuring party, but as the "Nine Lives Stealer" struck true into the center chest of the young man, it became stuck in a thick layer of sticky, viscous ooze. The man was not of flesh and bone, but made of solid slime with a thin veneer of humanity pasted over top.
  Combat proceeded as adventurer after adventurer revealed themselves to be Ooze creatures masquerading as humans, melting away before the party's eyes into shapeless forms. One of the imposter adventurers melted away into a massive, semi-translucent cyan humanoid form capable of casting powerful spells. The others became opaque, blue-black forms dripping with a paralytic poison.
  After gruesome combat which saw party members disarmed, paralyzed, and severely burnt with acid, the party emerged victorious. The ooze creatures masquerading as adventurers dissolved down into puddles and quickly spread out across the cavern floor and into the nearby stream as the party began to look for a safer place to recover from their wounds.

Rewards Granted

  • 1,880 EXP / PC (Total: 110,280 EXP / PC)
Report Date
26 Feb 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location