3/4 - Asfasana

General Summary

The party made their way to the ancient Drow city of Asfasana, current base of the Cult of Ghaunadaur, House Theyralana. Using their skills, magic, and items, Darnath and Gramlek flew out over the city under the combined cover of darkness, invisibility, and magical non-detection. Their scouting, consultation with the party, and Thovak's communing with his goddess revealed a number of details important to the party's planning of their assault on the cult.

Entities in Asfasana

  • High Priestess Isemi - High priestess of the Cult of Ghaunadaur and current leader of House Theyralana. Found within the Temple of Ghaunadar performing a ritual to metamorphose civilians into lesser ghaunadans.
  • Arcanists - Adherents to the Cult of Ghaunadaur capable of both martial and magical combat. Shown willing to sacrifice their lives to the cause of House Theyralana, up to and including performing emergency metamorphosis into a slime elemental. Found throughout the city of Asfasana, including guarding the exterior of the Longhouse, within the Town Hall, and helping with the rituals inside the Temple of Ghaunadar.
  • Greater Ghaunadans - Large, translucent, blue slime creatures generally of humanoid form. Capable of becoming opaque and perfectly disguising themselves as humanoids. Also shown capable of creating powerful, spell-like effects including Cloudkill and Confusion.
  • Lesser Ghaunadans - Large, black slime creatures. Capable of disarming melee attackers with their incredibly sticky bodies and incapacitating enemies with pseudopods coated in paralytic slime. Also shown capable of changing shape into a humanoid form and beguiling others with an otherworldly gaze.
  • Blood Ooze - Large, red slime creatures. Shown capable of attacking at close range with powerful, acidic pseudopods and at a longer range with an acidic breath attack.
  • Slime Elemental - Medium, blue-green slime creatures with highly acidic bodies. Shown capable of combat at short range by slamming themselves into their enemies or by entirely coating their enemies in their own acidic bodies.
  • Great Slime - Medium, green slime creatures not native to the Prime Material plane. Shown to be capable of combat at medium range using pseudopod arms and an ability to spit balls of sticky slime that can restrain targets.
  • Civilians - Unarmed civilians of varying races wearing simple clothes. Found within the Temple of Ghaunadar being metamorphosed into lesser ghaunadans by High Priestess Isemi. Also possibly being held within the Longhouse under guard.

Locations in Asfasana

  • Town Hall - Near the entrance to Asfasana, this is one of the few well maintained buildings in the ancient city. Observed to be populated by both Drow and several types of slime creatures going about some unknown business.
  • Meat Pits - Placed in four locations throughout the city, these refuse pits seem to serve as feeding pools for the slime inhabitants of Asfasana. The pit nearest the entrance to the city is seemingly the newest and busiest, with the other pits being severly worn down over time.
  • Longhouse - This two-story lodge building was found near the Temple of Ghaunadar and observed to have several Drow guards outside, unlike any other building in the city.
  • Temple of Ghaunadar - This massive stone cathedral located at the far end of Asfasana seems to serve as the central location for House Theyralana's ritualistic sacrifice. Shown to host High Priestess Isemi, civilians, arcanists, and dozens of slime creatures all taking part in chanting and singing.
  After planning their assault, the party traveled under cover of darkness along the far outskirts of the city in order to approach the Temple of Ghaunadar where High Priestess Isemi was found leading rituals to metamorphose people into various types of ooze.
Report Date
04 Mar 2024
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