Bereket Asnake Amir Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Bereket Asnake Amir (bear-a-kett ah-snah-kay ah-mirr)

Bereket Asnake Amir, "King Bereket of Ebonait" to strangers, and just Bereket to most, is the ceremonial King of Ebonait and has been for quite some time. Born to the former king Neguse Asnake Amir and queen Mestawot Ali Abenet, Bereket inherited the title upon his sixteenth birthday. He spends the majority of his time amongst the common people of Ebonait, working alongside them and talking to them about their problems. While his ceremonial title holds no official power, the word of King of Ebonait still holds much power in the hearts of the common people, and the Ebonait High Council is wise to listen when he speaks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, strong, and muscled enough to be easily mistaken for a soldier or mercenary, Bereket's physique belies his kindness. His kind eyes, greying hair, and face covered in smile lines quickly inform anyone interacting with him of his intentions.

Mental characteristics


Bereket is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. His ceremonial title offers him the time and privilege to seek skill, knowledge, and interest wherever he deems fit within Ebonait. In his years, Bereket has become a journeyman carpenter, shipwright, stonemason, accountant, and many more.


Bereket has reigned as King of Ebonait since his 16th birthday when the title was passed down from his father, Neguse Asnake Amir. Though the title of King conveys little in terms of power or respect in Ebonait, Bereket still felt the weight of the title as the public face of Ebonait's government. During his rule, Bereket has made it a point to spend the majority of his time working alongside the people of Ebonait in order to inform the Ebonait High Council of any ongoing issues and pressure them to make positive changes.

Wealth & Financial state

As King of Ebonait, Bereket has access to any and all currency that he may need to live a comfortable, fulfilling life. As the bearer of a mostly ceremonial title, Bereket does not have access to unchecked wealth for large personal purchases or investments, and any such purchase would need to be authorized by the Ebonait High Council.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Ebonait
Current Residence
Castle Ebonait
Salt-and-pepper grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
220 lbs
Ruled Locations