Ebonait High Council Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Ebonait High Council

The Ebonait High Council is the oligarchical ruling body of the Kingdom of Ebonait in far Eastern Faerun. Comprised of a varying number of elected representatives from important districts, guilds, and families from within Ebonait, The High Council is responsible for ensuring the peace, safety, and security of Ebonait's rather large population.


Members of The High Council all hold equal power in the decision making process, though due to myriad factors there are members whose influence is larger. The acting King or Queen of Ebonait serves an advisory role within The High Council, and acts as the face and voice of the council for the purposes of both foreign affairs and ceremonial duties, but holds no direct power.
Geopolitical, City council
Alternative Names
The High Council, The Council
Head of State
Government System
Controlled Territories