Builders Guild Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Builders Guild

The Builders Guild is a union of masons, architects, laborers, and artisans which negotiates on behalf of its members and facilitates the construction and maintenance of buildings within the kingdom. Indentures of the Builders Guild are trained in basic crafting and construction skills, with advanced training depending on their skills and interests ranging from architectural design to carpentry to city planning.


The Builders Guild operates mostly as a workers' union for the city's laborers, builders, and architects. The guild organizes work, prepares schedules, and provides representation on the High Council for a share of all construction profits of all its members.


The Builders Guild was established after the Merchants Guild, after several of the larger construction companies saw the benefits of collective bargaining and representation on the newly-established High Council.
Guild, Craftsmen
Notable Members