
The plane of order, reason, logic, and law, Mechanus is the home of powers and beings that follow strict rules. Governed by Primus, god of order and reason, the primary inhabitants of Mechanus are Modrons, semi-robotic organism given life by Primus to carry out its grand orders thoughout the cosmos.
  Rarely, Modrons within Mechanus can become Deviant and gain an individual identity. These Deviants which act against the will of Primus are hunted down relentlessly by the law-enforcement Modrons of the plane and given one of four sentences: destruction, exile, reconstruction, or storage.


Mechanus is comprised of an infinite expanse of floating gears, cogs, and other machinery all winding together in a grand, interconnected ballet of order.

Localized Phenomena

Gravity within the Plane of Order is consistent only about the proximity of a given gear or cog, with local gravity being relative to the surface of the body.

Fauna & Flora

Hierarch Modrons

  1. Secundi - The most powerful hierarch Modron. Each reports directly to Primus itself and is responsible for governance of one of the four quarters of the realm of Mechanus.
  2. Tertians - The second rank of hierarch Modron, each acting as both judge and jury in sentancing those breaking the laws of Mechanus (Modron and non-native alike).
  3. Quartons - The third rank of hierarch Modron, each responsible for overseeing a number of sectors within Mechanus and ensuring smooth operation.
  4. Quintons - The fourth rank of hierarch Modron, acting as bureau chiefs for each of Mechanus's bureaus.
  5. Hextons - The fifth rank of hierarch Modron, responsible for and acting as generals in the armies of Mechanus.
  6. Septons - The fourth-lowest rank of hierarch Modron, responsible for recordkeeping and transferral of information between sectors of Mechanus.
  7. Octons - The third-lowest rank of hierarchy Modron, responsible for governing the many sectors of Mechanus and ensuring the smooth operation of all lesser Modron.
  8. Nonatons - The second-lowest rank of hierarch Modron, responsible for acting as captains and chief inspectors of the Pentadrone police forces.
  9. Decatons - The most populous hierarch Modron, responsible for the health and physical wellbeing of the Modrons in their care.

Base Modrons

  1. Pentadrones - The most advanced base Modron, capable of five concurrent tasks. Frequently charged with law enforcement within Mechanus, as well as communication between the lesser base Modrons and the lower hierarch Modrons.
  2. Quadrones - An advanced base Modron, capable of four concurrent tasks. Frequently charged with supervising and commanding large groups of lesser Modrons, as well as acting as a multi-function laborer.
  3. Tridrones - An intermediate base Modron, capable of three concurrent tasks. Frequently charged with leading large groups of lesser Modrons into battle.
  4. Duodrones - A simple base Modron, capable of two concurrent tasks. Frequently charged with redirecting and issuing orders to groups of Monodrones.
  5. Monodrones - The simplest base Modron, capable of only executing a single task.


Formians are sentient, ant-like creatures that inhabit the plane of Mechanus in grand colonies built atop, throughout, and underneath gears within the plane's intricate clockwork. Formain society, much like ant colonies and the Modron society itself, has a rigid caste system of queens, warriors, and workers. It is unclear why Primus in its divine logic allows the Formians to exist in Mechanus and consume the Modron cities they have.


Primus and the Modron inhabitants of Mechanus are almost entirely ambivalent to travellers and tourists in the Plane of Order, so long as they comport with the laws and avoid interrupting the grand, infinite symphony of the plane. Very few facilities exist within Mechanus for non-Modrons, with only a few inns and shops present in each of the plane's districts, all located towards the edges of the massive gears that make up the plane.
Alternative Name(s)
Plane of Order
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Primary)