9/2 - Welcome to Vent City

General Summary

The party prepared to visit the plane of Mechanus to locate suitable materials for Cogbanop Genglys's anti-Chaos suit design, contacting Geryon for assistance in teleporting between planes. Geryon, showing up at the agreed upon time, reminded the party of their loose, non-agreement to eliminate a being called Alexander that resides in Mechanus if they would like Geryon to escort the party back from the Plane of Order via portal.
  With one step through the portal crafted by Geryon, the party was in Mechanus. Massive gears filled the sky in place of stars, each topped with its own city, and all spinning in perfect unison. The party found themselves in what Geryon called Vent City, a district within Mechanus responsible for harvesting, processing, and transferring various anomalous gasses within the plane. The streets of Vent City, densely packed and choked with speeding traffic of Monodrones carrying out their duties, were surrounded by massive, impossibly-tall buildings made of plate metal, girders, and innumerable pipes and tubes pumping various substances.
  Attempting to navigate the city's packed streets and find someone with whom they could speak, Thovak managed to accidentally trip a speeding Monodrone, sending it careening into nearby scaffolding and smashing the Modron. Seeing that a nearby Duodrone had noticed the interaction and sent another Monodrone to clean up its damaged comrade, the party seized the opportunity to follow the broken Modron to wherever it was being escorted, hoping to locate a more responsible creature. 
  Navigating the packed streets and avoiding further hazards, the party managed to follow the Monodrones up into a workshop area where the broken Monodrone was unceremoniously deposited onto a pile of similarly-broken Modrons. In the center of this workshop, accompanied by several Duodrone assistants, was a Decaton. This many-armed creature, each arm tipped with a different tool, operated on the broken Modrons as they were placed onto a conveyer belt by the assitant Duodrones, bringing the creatures back to working order.
  The party inturrupted the Decaton's work, asking questions about the damaged Monodrone and the plane of Mechanus with hopes of identifying a likely source of Order-aligned materials for Cogbanop Genglys's armor, but after a number of minutes of language switching and hand signals it was clear that while the party and the Decaton both spoke many languages, none of those languages overlapped. Using a Minor Illusion and some creative imagery, Duo was able to convey the party's rough intentions and willingness to engage with the Decaton. With the finger-like tip of its diagnostic arm, the Decaton interfaced with both Duo and Gramlek to establish a telepathic link.
  Now able to communicate, the party questioned the Decaton. After some conversation, the party learned that while the Decaton could not immediately assist them, it could summon the district's Nonaton, the Modron caste of detective-inspectors for the police force, which may be able to help assist the party or forward them onto a more useful Modron. After the Nonaton arrived, Duo began explaining the situation with the Far Realm, the Abherrations, and The Feywild to the hierarch Modron using telepathy and creative Minor Illusion. As Duo explained in great detail, the Nonaton seeminly had some form of mental break, uttering the phrase "I'm afraid" before being set upon by the nearby Decaton which used its diagnostic arm to tough the head of the panicked Nonaton.
  As the Decaton touched the Nonaton's head with its diagnostic arm, alarms began to blare and the former began to telepathically emit the word "deviant" over and over. The Nonaton reacted to the alarm by kicking the smaller Modron hard in the chest, sending it spiraling into Gramlek, and darting away from the group. Chaos erupted as the deviant Nonaton smashed through the building and sprinted down the cramped street, knocking aside dozens of Monodrones and Duodrones in the process. The Pentadrone police force descended on the deviant Nonaton while Darnath rained arrows into the rogue Modron to slow it down, and they were eventually able to subdue the powerful Nonaton under pile of a dozen Pentadrones.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Geryon
  • Vent City's Decaton
  • Vent City's Nonaton

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Report Date
02 Sep 2024
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