Order of the Knowing Quill Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Order of the Knowing Quill

The Order of the Knowing Quill, more often referred to as the Scribe's Guild, is an ancient order of scribes, accountants, and other advanced wielders of paperwork. Nearly every organization within Ebonait employs at least one member of the order and their members can be found all across Ebonait from the smallest shops to the largest seafaring vessels. Indentures who join the order are trained in all manner of writing, math, accounting, logic, and law in order to perform any conceivable clerical or administrative task.


The order is led by a panel of elder scribes and governed by a complicated and nuanced web of bylaws for nearly every conceivable situation. The elder scribes are responsible for appointing the order's representative on the High Council.


The order has existed since long before the dissolution of the Ebonait monarchy, and worked alongside the monarchy to ensure that the kingdom's books, contracts, and archives were in order. While not an official part of the Ebonait government, the order is tightly intertwined with all government operations as it has been for centuries.
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
Scribe's Guild
Notable Members