Party Guildhall in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Party Guildhall

The party's guildhall, built on the remains the city of Groundbreak, serves as both a hub for their advantures and as a security force in the area.  


The guildhall employs a number of unskilled workers and laborers to maintain the building and the immediate surroundings. In addition to those workers, a number of skilled hirelings

Head Chef

Elara Swiftspice
Pay: 2 GP / Day


Thrain Wildtracker
Pay: 4 GP / Day


Seraphina Moonshadow
Pay: 4 GP / Day



Dedicated, group sleeping quarters for up to two dozen individuals at any one time. Offers a small amount of storage space for personal belongings.

Dining Hall

A large room complete with long tables, chairs, and adjacent kitchen. The smell of well-cooked meals long passed lingers on in this place, welcoming guests and residents with the promise of a full, satisfied belly.
Benefit: Once per week, a banquet may be held in this room. Characters that partake in the lavish meal split 1d4 Inspiration points (1d8 if the banquet is cooked by a skilled chef).

Empty Room

An empty room currently used for storage of supplies. Large enough to be built out for a variety of future uses as necessary.

Empty Room

An empty room currently used for storage of supplies. Large enough to be built out for a variety of future uses as necessary.

Additional Information

Construction Costs

5,000 GP
60 Days

Upkeep Costs

Skilled Hireling Payroll: 10 GP / Day
Building Maintenance: 6 SP / Day

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