Groundbreak Settlement in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil



  Groundbreak was a small mining settlement nestled along the North side of a mountain range. This town was known as a hub for mining in the surrounding hills and had a track record of excellent quality gems and minerals.  


Groundbreak proper was a very small assemblage of stone buildings hugging a rough road East of Tradefront in the wilds of Faerun. Nestled between hills and mountains, and serving the myriad small quarries in the area, the majority of the buildings in Groundbreak were constructed of excess stone not profitable enough to sell. The large public house along the road at the entrance of town served as the hub of the town's business and services.  

Points of Interest

Public House

This large stone building at the entrance of town served multiple purposes for the town of Groundbreak. The building was used as an inn, a tavern, a gathering hall, a courthouse, and all other public services for the town.  


Groundbreak made its money through mining rare gems and minerals from the nearby hills and mountains. A number of smaller quarries dot the landscape around the town and were integral to the economy of Groundbreak.   After the destruction of Groundbreak the mines and quarries dotting the landscape near the town were left empty and abandoned, filling with monsters and becoming consumed by nature.  


Groundbreak was almost entirely razed during an Orcish raid led by the Adventurer Tovoch Glurosk, leaving only the burnt shells of the stone buildings left standing. The majority of Groundbreak's inhabitants were killed during the raid and the few who survived emigrated to the nearby town of Tradefront in order to rebuild their lives.  

Known History


  • Groundbreak
    Groundbreak is a small mining settlement nestled along the North side of a mountain range. This town is known as a hub for mining in the surrounding hills and has a track record of excellent quality gems and minerals.

Articles under Groundbreak