Session 6: War of Attrition Report Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Session 6: War of Attrition Report

General Summary


After defeating the orcish bandits and losing track of Tovoch Glurosk, the party packs up the stolen goods and transports them back to Tradefront. Upon their arrival they see that the refugees from Groundbreak have been taken in by the town where they are being fed and sheltered. The party begins to look for new work now that the contract with their current charge, Luvon Ralocan, has been completed.


  • The party travels South into the forest, hoping to locate the source of the "howls, growls, yips, and yowls" reported by town guards in previous nights. Their path leads them to discovering a trail of disparate footprints from wolves and some other canine, traveling farther South. After tracking the trail, the party begins to encounter the signs of conflict, including blood and fur.
  • After tracking the trail of carnage through the forest, the party comes across a small group of bloodied, naked humans making camp, which turn out to be werewolves attempting to evade and recover from constant harrying by a larger group of hyenaweres. The party decides to ally with the werewolves, who have been living peacefully in the forest for some time, and protect them through the night so that they can rest.
  • A large group of hyenaweres attack the party overnight and a bloody fight ensues, the party coming out on top with the help of the partially-rested werewolves.


Having solved the mystery of the strange noises, the party decides to set upon a route towards Stonehearth, the probable location of Tovoch and his associates.

Character(s) interacted with

Kuro Musumi 
Reunited the freed Kuro with her adventuring party.
Captain Jarvis Odannon 
Discussed the findings and outcomes with Jarvis.
Jumoke Junbir 
Jumoke handled the food/shelter situation for the Groundbreak refugees.
Mostly Faerun
Report Date
07 Jan 2022
Primary Location