Tovoch Glurosk Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Tovoch Glurosk

Tovoch Glurosk

  • Part of the adventuring party with Ragnar Valk and Ciara Bridges.
  • Led a band of orcs in a siege on Groundbreak orchestrated by Ragnar Valk.
  • Tracked back to the orc encampment by a party of adventurers investigating the siege. Cornered by the adventurers after they assaulted the encampment, but managed to barely escape into the wilderness.
  • Retreated to Stonehearth, where the rest of his party had stayed, to recover from his injuries.
  • Attacked and captured by the same adventuring party a few days later, along with Ragnar Valk and Ciara Bridges.
  • Transported back to Tradefront to stand trial for his crimes in Groundbreak.
  • Found guilty of leading the orc band in their assault but not fully culpable for the siege, as it was planned by Ragnar Valk and mostly carried out by the orc band itself.
  • Had his arm severed by Captain Jarvis Odannon as punishment for his crimes, and was forced to help build new homes for those that were displaced by the siege.

Physical Description

Body Features

Missing his right arm at the elbow. Severed as punishment for his crimes in the siege of Groundbreak.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on the Sword Coast but never felt at ease in the more settled locations. Trained in fighting and stealth as a youth, then decided to travel into the untamed East of Faerun to seek his fortune. Along the way he met the young Ciara Bridges and they formed a duo traveling to the East.

Failures & Embarrassments

Fell in with a bad crowd in the form of Ragnar Valk, who led him down the path of committing a number of crimes, justifying them as 'doing what needs done' to achieve a goal. The group was later arrested by a group of adventurers after the siege of Groundbreak and returned to Tradefront to stand trial for their crimes. The tribunal found him guilty of the crimes, but not of their planning, Tovoch was sentenced to losing his sword arm and hard labor in the service of the remaining people of Groundbreak.

Former adventurer who lost his way and is now trying to earn back the respect he once had.

Current Location
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Current Location
Sword Coast
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
220 lbs