The Petal Court Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

The Petal Court

Demography and Population

The Petal Court is a smaller court but is still home to myriad fey creatures. The Petal Court's active court is comprised primarily of Elves and Eladrin, with the majority of the greater court being comprised of pixies, shroompeople, and awakened plants.


The Petal Court holds only a small amount of territory within the Feywild, most of which is comprised of extremely dense enchanted jungles and small cliffs.

Foreign Relations

The Petal Court is actively attempting to disrupt and disband The Timber Throne so that Lady Chamylla can usurp Lady Timber and take the throne for herself, fusing the two courts and cementing her power within the Feywild.
Court, Noble
Notable Members