Timber Throne Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Timber Throne

Demography and Population

The Timber Throne is home to myriad creatures of origin both Feywild and abroad. It would not be uncommon while traversing through the lands of The Timber Throne to encounter creatures ranging from Eladrin to Elves to Pixies to Treants to Awakened Plants to fungi both sentient and otherwise. The primary body of The Timber Throne's active court is comprised of Eladrin and other humanoid Fae.


The Timber Throne holds expansive territory within the Feywild, all of which is covered by forests of varying density.


Like all Fae courts, word is law and promises are immutable. The word of a Fae is guaranteed, though the interpretation of that guarantee may not always be as one would wish.
Court, Noble
Alternative Names
The Timber Court, The Forest Court
Executive Body
Lady Timber is the sole decision maker among The Timber Throne. Her word is law, and her station grants her the respect, admiration, and fear of all Fae subjects she presides over.
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members