Zeke Dentry Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Zeke Dentry (zeek den-tree)

Sir Zeke Dentry, Knight of Brenica

  • Born in the kingdom of Brenica to a middle-class family which owned a small construction company.
  • Due to his natural size and strength, Zeke started working at a young as part of his family's construction business.
  • Left Brenica as a teen with Duradel vin Rayas and Vome Toch in order to seek fame, glory, and profit through a life of Adventuring.
  • Entered the service of Erasous in the desert city of Qadis, acting as one of her contracted Adventurers doing odd jobs, assassinations, and strong-arming of her enemies.
  • During the Liberation of Qadis, he and his allies were ousted from the city by the party.
  • Losing their home and income in Qadis, Zeke and his party traveled back to their native Brenica and entered the service of Lord Brenica as knighted retainers.
  • Sent to investigate the destruction of the Brenican Royal Research Laboratory in the Kingswall Mountains to the East of Brenica, which the party had razed weeks prior.
  • Tracked the party back to Tradefront in order to capture/kill them and collect their bounty from Brenica.
  • Was present in Tradefront when Vome razed the home of Ciara Bridges and her adventuring party after being confronted ehile searching for the party responsible for the destruction of the laboratory.
  • Captured Ciara for use as leverage against the party.
  • Subdued by Sylvie in the conflict at the farm outside of Tradefront after having his arm broken.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
320 lbs